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Visiting Scholar Opportunities

Bench in garden

Visiting scholars, fellows, associates from other institutions play an important role in the development of research, teaching and collaboration.

The Faculty is able to host visiting academics as Visiting Scholars when there already exists a well-developed, professional working relationship between the visitor and a member of the Faculty. We regret, however, that we are unable to consider Visiting Scholar requests when the applicant does not have support and endorsement by an academic member of the Faculty.

If you are interested in becoming an academic visitor at the Faculty you will need a member of academic staff of the Faculty to host your visit. Please direct your initial enquiry to academic staff in the most relevant academic group.
Please allow time for your request to be considered.

Bench FeeBench Fee

The bench fee for academic visitors is £500 (+ VAT at the current rate) for up to two months and a further £250 (+ VAT) per month thereafter. In some circumstances a higher fee may be agreed. The bench fee may be waived, at the Director of Research and Head of Faculty’s discretion, when the visitor is making a direct contribution to teaching or to a research project.

Overseas academic visitors need to be aware of possible visa requirements. For up to date advice and information see the UK Border Agency website.

General information can be found at the University's page Newcomer and Visiting Scholars.