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Cambridge Journal of Education

Aims and Scope

Cambridge Journal of Education publishes original contributions on all aspects of education with a particular emphasis on articles that span the divide between academic researchers and teachers.

Cambridge Journal of Education has always enjoyed a wide international readership and encouraged contributors to make comparisons between different educational systems and cultures. Its readers include teachers, theorists and education policy makers - evidence of the journal's success at bringing together the different groups who determine the content and methodology of education.

Published on behalf of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education by Taylor and Francis Ltd; you can download the Cambridge Journal of Education now (and order copies). The website also provides a variety of online services and information for the Journal.

Executive Editor:

Tyler Denmead

Dr. James Craske - University of East Anglia, UK

Dr. Thomas Leeder - University of East Anglia, UK

Dr. Elly Tai - University of Cambridge, UK

Dr. Shuling Wang - University of Southampton, UK

Managing Editor:

Tom Patterson

Cambridge Journal of Education

Cambridge Journal of Education cover