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Doctoral Students, Thesis Topics & Supervisors

Here is a list of current and recently completed PhD and EdD theses at the Faculty of Education.
To contact Faculty doctoral students please use the University Email Search facility or the University Lookup Service.


Name Topic Supervisor/s
Hannah Ackom-Mensah A Multiple Case Study: Near Field Communication (NFC) Brick Play and its Impact on the Communication and Language Development of Autistic Young Children of West African Descent

Rupert Wegerif

Will Farr

Charlotte Allen A Multilevel exploration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) students’ resilience in response to everyday challenges at secondary school.

Morag Morrison-Helme

Ruth Kershner

Sebastián Ansaldo Deep mediatization in education: A comparative study of schoolteacher’s practices and perceptions in England and Chile. Susan Robertson

Esther Anwuzia


Adolescents Career Decision Making and Wellbeing in Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study Ros McLellan

Tim Archer


Seeking a Peace-full Man: Exploring pedagogies to transition from boyhood to an adequate manhood Hilary Cremin
Julie Bailey Neurodiversity and Learning Engagement in Higher Education Sara Baker
Helen Barsham Can an Intervention Programme, Which Uses Metacognition and Practice of the Theory of the Desirable Difficulty, the Testing Effect, Reduce Test Anxiety, in 10-11 Year -Olds, in Evaluative Situations? Michelle Ellefson
Yasmin Begum Contemporary subject knowledge acquisition in Economics Ros McLellan
Elaine Bennett Exploring how teachers' attachment experiences influence the teacher-student relationship

Tracey Fuller

Fiona Peacock

Glenn Bezalel An exploration of the prevalence and functions of conspiracies theories among youth cultures in London secondary schools Jo-Anne Dillabough

Lenka Janik Blaskova


Playing together: Series of case studies investigating the friendships and wellbeing of children with primary difficulties in language development Jenny Gibson
Lindsay Burton Posthumanism and the Child: Diffracted Readings and Entangled Beings Zoe Jaques

Michael Cascianelli


Exploring Giftedness: A Case Study of Developing a Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Italy Drawing Upon the Perspectives of Students and Teachers. Keith Taber

Abie Hui Ki Chan


Creativity Through Oracy: A Mixed Methods Study of Creativity in the context of L2 Talk Yongcan Liu

Chih-Ching Chang


Teacher professional development for changing epistemic beliefs through dialogic history education: A design-based research study in Taiwan

Rupert Wegerif

Sara Hennessy

Claudia Pik Ki Chu The interplay of psycholinguistic and cognitive factors in predicting reading comprehension: a case of primary school children from the United Kingdom and Hong Kong/China Michelle Ellefson
Jodie Coates Oh, What a Novelty!: The Hypermediated Pop-Up Book Zoe Jaques

Vaughan Connolly


Is less sometimes more? Teacher workload, retention and pupil attainment Ricardo Sabates
Paola Contreras Cosmopolitan capital or cultural intelligence? Predictors of the participation of Chilean undergraduates in international academic activities. Nigel Kettley
Catrin Darlsey Exploring UK higher education for sustainability: How do different models of EfS contribute to students gaining sustainability-related competencies? Elaine Wilson
Alexandre da Trindade Brazilian universities and transitions towards human flourishing Susan Robertson

Yuliana Dementyeva


The role of private schools in education modernization reform in China Geoff Hayward

Ema Demir


Teacher capital unbound? – The role of organisational structures for teacher social capital and student achievement. Elaine Wilson
Carlotta Ehrenzeller Contextual Understandings of Montessori Education: A Pathway to Peace Hilary Cremin
Rosanna Fennessy Young people's perspectives on the impact of their long term health condition on education, social experience and wellbeing: The role of personally constructed illness beliefs and meeting basic psychological needs. Ruth Kershner

Christopher Foster


Knowledge or Control? Teacher Knowledge, Professional Identity and Practitioner Research. Sue Brindley
Frankie Frangeskou Exploring the influence of self-identity on the LGB school leader/ship

Pam Burnard

Peter Dudley

Aurora Lixinhao Gao Language Learning of Ethnic Minority Students in the UK

Dr Phung Dao

Professor Henriette Hendriks

Emily Goodacre


Social Communication with Friends and Peers: Children’s Connected Talk During Play

Jenny Gibson

Paul Ramchandani

Mélanie Gréaux Speech and Language Therapy provision for autistic children in India and the UK

Jenny Gibson

Dr Napoleon Katsos

Basma Hajir The Role of Youth as Agents for Peace in Contexts Affected by Conflict: A Postcolonial Qualitative Enquiry with Syrian Youth in Jordan Hilary Cremin
Hiba Hamdan Using an inquiry intervention to develop conceptual understanding and motivation for all students in a mixed-ability biology classroom Mark Winterbottom
Hapipi Undergraduate Mathematics Students Understanding of Proof by Contradiction and Proof by Contraposition Andreas Stylianides
John Harding From reasonable adjustment to inclusive practice? Exploring the influence of lecture capture technology on the academic outcomes and learning experiences of disabled students in higher education. Riikka Hofmann

Thomas Harriott


How does social interaction influence students' regulation of learning in the upper secondary classroom? Elaine Wilson
Adam Holden The use of mobile learning to impact teacher self-efficacy and self-permission in Panama.

Sara Hennessy

Pascual Perez-Paredes

Samantha Hulston


Embodied reading practices: an exploration of how young children engage with picturebooks

Fiona Maine

Madeleine Hunter


We are in Convergence: Recombinant Adaptation in the Twenty-First-Century Children's Media Landscape. Maria Nikolajeva
Chris Hussey A tale of two cities: exploring place-related identity with reference to portrayals of London in Children’s Literature. David Whitley

Tristan Igglesden 


The affordances of learning management systems that support dialogue

Sara Hennessey

Louis Major

Nura Jahanpour Investigating the construction of parenting values and the influence of institutions Sara Baker
Ying Ji Teachers' Engagement in Continuing Professional Development: Exploring Factors and Profiles Pete Dudley
Gulmira Kanayeva (Qanay) Facilitating teacher leadership in Kazakhstan

David Frost

Ros McLellan

Maria Khwaja Bazi


Classrooms as Cultural Sites of Mobility and Constraint: A critical ethnography of teacher quality in Pakistan and Tanzania. Jo-Anne Dillabough
Aigerim Kopeyeva Factors behind regional educational disparities in Kazakhstan: stakeholders' perspective'. Elaine Wilson

Meena Mehta Kotecha


Mathematics anxiety in university students: investigating the efficacy of a blended learning intervention promoting interaction, inclusion, & collaboration

Ricardo Sabates
Pia Kreijkes Influences of teachers’ mindset, achievement-related beliefs, and ability-based practices on pupils’ achievement-related beliefs, mindset and attainment in mathematics. Ros McLellan
Rina P.Y. Lai The Design, Development, and Evaluation of a New Computerised Assessment of Computational Thinking Michelle Ellefson

Soizic Le Courtois


Helping teachers foster children’s inner motivation to learn: investigating the potential of a professional development programme for Year 1 teachers in England and the suitability of an evaluation instrument Sara Baker

Joyce Lim


Exploring development of English verb-argument constructions in L2 writing: A cross-sectional study of L1 Korean speakers Pascual Pérez-Paredes
Meng Liu Exploring the multilingual identity of simultaneous language learners in China: A mixed methods study Linda Fisher
Luz Maria Lopez-Gomez Teaching Nature of Science to Mexican High School Students through Practical Work Activities Keith Taber

Juljana Mandra


Conceptualisations of global learning and primary school teachers' perceptions of pedagogy for global learning. Ruth Kershner
Javiera Marfán Schools Deciding the Purpose of Education. Policy Enactment in a Context of Education Reform Hybridisation Riikka Hofmann

Kevin Martin


Re-imagining mobile learning: A design based approach to epistemic innovation in rural Kenya

Rupert Wegerif

Louis Major

Elizabeth McGregor Jacobides


Tinkering with the nature of science. Mark Winterbottom

William McInerney


Reimagining masculinities: Exploring arts-integrated gender transformative programming with men in the United States Hilary Cremin

Madison McLeod


Finding the Fantastic in the City: Digitally Mapping Children’s Fantasy Literature Zoe Jaques
Maggie Meimaridi Entering the Contact Zone: Encountering the Animal in Children's Fantasy Literature. Zoe Jaques
Usama Javed Mirza 'Islam, Science and Education in Muslim Schools in England: Exploring the Possibilities of Decolonial Communities of Practice' Haira Gandolfi

Nicola Morea


Multilingual teachers and teachers of multilinguals: An investigation into pre-service teachers’ multilingual-identity and beliefs construction during a teacher education programme Linda Fisher

Mansi Nanda


Exploring teacher motivations and engagement with the community in rural India Pauline Rose

Kristi Nourie


Action and interaction: An exploration of e-textbook tool use in secondary schools Mark Winterbottom
Catherine Olver Fantasy, the Five Senses and the Mastery of Nature.

Zoe Jaques

David Whitley

Hannah Owen Becoming a 'phronimos': An investigation into the transfer of 'practical wisdom' between novice and expert teachers in Lesson Study discussions Pete Dudley
Yong-Jun Park Youth, citizenship and democracy in South Korea Jo-Anne Dillabough

Carla Plieth


Negotiating Boyhood and Victimisation: The Sexually Abused Boy in Adolescent Literature Karen Coats
Anna Purkiss Young readers’ responses to representations of disability in contemporary children’s fiction

Maria Nikolajeva

Kristine Black-Hawkins

Ana Luisa Rubio Jimenez The implementation and outcomes of a dialogic pedagogy for enhancing the self-determination of Mexican young adults with intellectual disability Ruth Kershner
Marie Ryan What are we doing in the name of assessment? A multi-site case-study of assessment practices and conceptions of assessment purpose in junior infant classrooms in Ireland. Sue Swaffield
Lakshmi Sagarika Bose Revolution in an Era of Global Securitization: An Ethnographic Encounter with Young Female Egyptian and South African Activists Jo-Anne Dillabough
Cristina Isabel de Oliveira Santos Career conversations for the development of student career competencies: analysing the possibility in Portuguese Secondary Schools Anna Vignoles
Raquel Scarpa-Gebara Further education and professional learning of fisherwomen in the Amazonian coast: an evaluation model of a financial literacy programme Peter Dudley
Jane Scarsbrook To what extent can structured group tasks encourage imagination, articulation and development in children's notions about shape, space and measure?

Neil Mercer

Christine Howe

Sadia Fatima Shafquat A phenomenological study of adolescent thinking through dialogue about literary texts Fiona Maine
Donna Smith Mental Health Problems in First Generation Students at UK Universities: A Mixed Methods Study Ros McLellan

Ngee Derk Tiong


Di Sebalik Papan Hitam: Opportunities for learning through talk in Malaysian teacher professional learning communities (PLCs) Riikka Hofmann
Oudai Tozan Unpacking the exiled Syrian academic relationship with homeland and their potential role in reforming the Syrian higher education in the (post)-conflict stage Hilary Cremin

Ana Laura Trigo Clapés


Dialogic Teaching for students with conditions within the autism spectrum

Jenny Gibson

Sara Hennessy

Gavin Turner Life-worthy learning skills: An investigation of a curriculum intervention to promote self-regulated learning. Michelle Ellefson

Daniela Vandepeer


Exploring the perceived experiences of the Drive Teams implementing change in a Thinking School. Steve Watson
Georgios Villias Educational escape rooms: Design, Implementation and Impact Analysis of immersive, problem-solving learning experiences in science education. Mark Winterbottom
Julia Jin Wang Multiverses in Contemporary Adolescent Literature Karen Coats

Anne Waterson


Young children's conceptualisations of wellbeing in their school context. Ruth Kershner
Yuxiu Wei Gender disparity in the access to higher education: Assessing the impact of schools and socio-economic backgrounds using data mining approaches Mark Winterbottom

Alison Wells


Postgraduate blended learning for NHS Educational Supervisors: A realist evaluation of impact on practice.

Sue Brindley

Yongcan Liu

Maoxiao Xia Primary Teachers' Learning Patterns and Their Approaches to Teaching in China’s context Panayiotis Antoniou

Bowen Xu


Transnationalising China's Higher Education via One Belt One Road Susan Robertson
Debbie Yeboah Formed with Our Own Hands: African Contemporary Art as a Reparative Pathway to Decolonial Ghanaian Art Education Tyler Denmead

Zitian Zeng


Inclusive Classroom Practices and Teacher-Student Education in Hong Kong Kristine Black-Hawkins
Xinye Zou A mixed methods study exploring the mechanism of Chinese youth’s sexual knowledge acquisition Colleen McLaughlin

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