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Autistic perspectives sought for new study on comics and inclusion

Image of student reading comic
Tuesday 21 January
Autistic people in the UK are being invited to participate in a University of Cambridge-led project exploring the uniquely powerful connection between autism and comics.

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Play therapists warn that COVID-19 is an ongoing trauma, even though the world wants to move on

children in masks
Thursday 9 January
Many children are still struggling to process feelings of fear and insecurity, which stem from the COVID-19 lockdowns, in a world that has largely stopped discussing the pandemic, a new study says.

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Ten years after a landmark proposal for research-literate teaching, policy is drifting from that vision

Faculty of Education News
Wednesday 18 December
Voices from across the teaching sector have warned that the profession is drifting further from a vision of being ‘research-engaged’, 10 years after the goal was proposed in a landmark report.

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War in Lebanon has turned a decade of education crisis into a catastrophe - report

Faculty of Education News
Thursday 5 December
The recent conflict in Lebanon has deepened a national education crisis in which children have already lost up to 60% of school time over the past six years, new research warns.

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New wellbeing model for heritage language learning could help multilingual students flourish

Faculty of Education News
Wednesday 20 November
New research shows that a better understanding of how children from immigrant families and minority backgrounds experience wellbeing through learning their heritage language can help them to overcome the vulnerability and anxiety they often encounter. The research calls for “a positive turn in heritage language education”.

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The curious case of Ben John

Faculty of Education News
Monday 18 November
A new study of a controversial sentence for a far-right activist shows how it reflects problematic notions of ‘educability’.

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Batman Returns. Again.

Faculty of Education News
Monday 4 November
Faculty member Joe Sutliff Sanders is a lifelong Batman fan who has studied it from an academic standpoint. Here, he provides his insights into the character's enduring appeal and the latest animated series, "Batman: Caped Crusader". 

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From Compliance to Conversation: New Guidelines Push for Ethical Reflection in Research Reporting

Hands on a keyboard
Thursday 31 October
Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) are increasing awareness and debate around ethical conduct in research. However, a new study finds that many academic journals lack explicit ethical reporting requirements.

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Grassroots accountability

Kids waving
Thursday 31 October
What happens when schools become directly accountable to their communities? A recent project in India has explored the effects of school-community interventions.

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Pivot to ‘knowledge mobilisation’ could strengthen links between research and policy, report finds

Faculty of Education News
Monday 14 October
A pilot programme has transformed how policy actors use evidence from research on early childhood in their work and provides a potential blueprint for bridging the disconnect between academia and policy.

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The revolution will not be generated

Faculty of Education News
Tuesday 8 October
Proponents of Generative AI believe it will transform education, but so far there are few signs of any promised revolution. At a conference in Cambridge this month, educators, industry professionals and academics are seeking to initiate a different type of conversation about how AI can truly benefit the sector.

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New film encourages families to discuss genetic health – over a game of dominoes

Thursday 3 October
A new film from Only Human, an initiative from the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science and the Public, and Genomics England, helps the nation discuss health issues more openly, with the aim of improving wellbeing among Black and Minority communities who have historically faced inequalities in accessing appropriate medical care.

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