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Jean Rudduck

Professor Jean Rudduck - former member of Faculty


Professor of Education (Emeritus)

Jean Rudduck died on 28 March 2007. If you wish to raise any questions about her work please contact Prof. John Gray on


Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences
BERA (member and past President)
National Educational Research Forum (until 2004)


Career outline:

  • English teacher in a London secondary school
  • Member of the School Council's research team
  • Senior lecturer at the Brighton College of Education and tutor at Sussex University
  • Founder member of the Centre for Applied Research in Education (CARE) at the University of East Anglia
  • Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield
  • Director of Research, Homerton College, Cambridge
  • Professor of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

Also: former President of BERA and member of the Executive Council; former member of the ESRC's Training Board; former member of the UCET Council; former member of the National Forum for Educational Research.

Jean Rudduck's main research interest is the transformative potential of pupil voice, including consultation and participation in relation to pupils' learning, pupils' identities, teacher-pupil relationships and school improvement. She has directed numerous research projects for the ESRC, the DfES, various LEAs and other agencies. A recent project, involving 8 secondary schools, looked at personalised learning and pupil voice. Other research interests include gender and achievement, transfer and transitions and teachers' professional development.

Academic Area/Links

School Improvement and Educational Leadership

Research Topics

  • Pupil voice and pupils' perspectives on teaching, learning and schooling
  • The complexities of institutional change
  • Gender issues in schools
  • Teachers' professional development

Current Research Projects

Director or co-director of the following research projects:

  • Consulting Pupils about Teaching and Learning Project (2001-2004)
    (funded by the ESRC as a Phase 1 Project of the teaching and Learning Research Programme; research team: see website
  • Raising Boys' Achievement (2002-2005)
    (funded by the DfES) with Molly Warrington and Mike Younger (directors) and John Gray and Jean Rudduck (co-directors): see website
  • Transfers and Transitions Project (2001-2003)
    (funded by the DfES); co-directors: Maurice Galton, John Gray and Jean Rudduck: see website
  • Re-Building Engagement through the Arts (2003-2005)
    (funded by the Wallenberg Foundation); research team: John Finney, Richard Hickman, Bill Nicholl, Morag Morrison
  • Pupil Participation and Personalised Learning Project (2004-2005)
    (funded by CFBT at East Sussex); research team: Nick Brown and Lesley Hendy
  • The Architecture of Change (2004-2005)
    (internally funded): with Julia Flutter
  • How Pupils deal with Incidents of Unfairness (2005)
    (internally funded); with Helen Demetriou and Bev Hopper
  • Building a Commitment to Pupil Participation
    (funded by the DfES); with Julia Flutter


Publications on Pupil Voice are followed by some publications, since 1999, on other topics.

Jean Rudduck's Publications On Pupil Voice


FINNEY, J, HICKMAN, R, NICHOLL, B, MORRISON, M and RUDDUCK, J) (2005) Re-building Engagement through the Arts, Cambridge: Pearson Publishing.

RUDDUCK, J. AND FLUTTER, J. (2004) How to Improve your School: Giving Pupils a Voice, Continuum Press.

FLUTTER, J. AND RUDDUCK, J. (2004) Consulting Pupils: What's in it for Schools?, London: RoutledgeFalmer

RUDDUCK, J and FLUTTER, J (2004) The Challenge of year 8: Sustaining Pupils' Engagement with Learning, Cambridge: Pearson Publishing.

MACBEATH, J., DEMETRIOU, H., RUDDUCK, J. AND MYERS, K. (2003) Consulting Pupils: A Toolkit for Teachers, Pearson Publishing.

JONES, B., JONES, G. and RUDDUCK, J., with DEMETRIOU, H. and DOWNES, P. (2001) Boys' Performance in Modern Foreign Languages - Listening to Learners, London: CILT.

RUDDUCK, J., CHAPLAIN, R. and WALLACE, G. (eds.) (1996) School Improvement: What Can Pupils Tell Us?, London: David Fulton.

Articles on pupil voice:

DEMETRIOU, H. and RUDDUCK, J. (2004) Pupils as researchers: the importance of using their research evidence, Primary Leadership, March, pp31-34.

RUDDUCK, J., BERRY, M., BROWN, N. and HENDY, L. (2003) with Chandler, M., Enright, P. and Godly, J. (2003) Learning about improvement by talking about improvement, Improving Schools, 6,3, 246-257.

RUDDUCK, J. and DEMETRIOU, H., with Pedder, D. (2003) Student perspectives and teacher practices: The transformative potential, McGill Journal of Education, 38, 2, 274-288 (spring).

RUDDUCK, J (2003) Pupil voice and citizenship education, article for QCA Citizenship and PHSE Team, March (pdf version available from QCA website at

RUDDUCK, J. (2002) The transformative potential of consulting young people about teaching, learning and schooling, Scottish Educational Review, 34, 2, pp.123-137.

RUDDUCK, J. (2001) Students and school improvement: 'Transcending the cramped conditions of the time', Improving Schools, 4,2,7-16.

RUDDUCK, J. AND FLUTTER, J. (2000) Pupil participation and pupil perspective: 'carving a new order of experience', Cambridge Journal of Education, 30,1,75-89.

DEMETRIOU, H., GOALEN, P. and RUDDUCK (2000) Academic performance, transfer, transition and friendship: listening to the student voice, International Journal of Educational Research, 33, 425-441.

BATTY, J., RUDDUCK, J. and WILSON, E. (2000) What makes a good mentor? Who makes a good mentor? The views of year 8 mentees, Educational Action Research, 7,3,369-378.

MORRISON, I., EVERTON, T. AND RUDDUCK, J. (2000) Pupils helping other pupils with their learning: cross-age tutoring in a primary and secondary school, Mentoring and Tutoring, 8,3, 187-200.

DODDINGTON, C., FLUTTER, J. AND RUDDUCK, J. (1999) Exploring and explaining 'dips' in motivation and performance in primary and secondary schooling, Research in Education, 61, 29-38.

RUDDUCK, J. (1999) 'Education for all', 'achievement for all' and pupils who are 'too good to drift' (the second Harold Dent memorial lecture), Education Today, 49, 2, 3-11.

DODDINGTON, C., FLUTTER, J. and RUDDUCK, J. (1998) Year 8 - a suitable case for treatment, Improving Schools, 1,3,39-42.

KERSHNER, R., FLUTTER, J. and RUDDUCK, J. (1998) Teacher research as a basis for school improvement: but is it useful beyond the school in which it was carried out?, Improving Schools, 1,2,59-62.

RUDDUCK, J., DAY, J. and Wallace, G. (1996) The significance for school improvement of pupils' experiences of within-school transitions, Curriculum, 17, 3, 144-153.

HARRIS, S., WALLACE, G. and RUDDUCK, J. (1995) "It's not that I haven't learnt much. It's just that I don't really know what I'm doing": metacognition and secondary school students, Research Papers in Education, 10,2,134-153.

RUDDUCK, J., HARRIS, S. AND WALLACE, G. (1994) 'Coherence' and students' experience of learning in the secondary school, Cambridge Journal of Education, 24,2,197-211.

HARRIS, S. and RUDDUCK, J. (1993) Establishing the seriousness of learning, British Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 63 (part 2), 322-366.

HARRIS, S., NIXON, J. and RUDDUCK, J. (1993) School work, homework and gender, Gender and Education, 5,1, 3-15.

Chapters on pupil voice in books:

RUDDUCK, J. (2004) Consulting pupils about teaching and learning, in Learning Texts, Nottingham: National College for School Leadership, pp80-92.

RUDDUCK, J. AND URQUHART, I. (2003) Neglected aspects of transfer and transition: gender and the pupil voice, in C. Skelton and B. Francis (eds) Boys and Girls in the Primary School Classroom, maidenhead: Open University Press. Pp167-185.

RUDDUCK, J., WALLACE, G. and DAY, J. (2000) 'Students' voices: what can they tell us as partners in change'?, in K. Stott and V. Trafford (eds.) Partnerships: Shaping the Future of Education, London: Middlesex University Press, pp 1-26.

RUDDUCK, J. (1999) Teacher practice and the student voice, in M. Lang, J. Olson, H. Hansen and W. Bunder (eds) Changing Schools/Changing Practices: Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism, Louvain: Garant, pp41-54.

RUDDUCK, J. (1998) Student voices and conditions of learning, in B. Karseth, S. Gudmundsdottir, and S. Hopmann, Didaktikk: Tradisjon og Fornyelse, Festskrift til Bjorg Brandtzaeg Gundem, Oslo: Universitet i Oslo, pp 131-146.

RUDDUCK, J., WALLACE, G. and DAY, J. (1998) Consulting pupils about teaching, learning and schooling, in H. Horne, (ed) The School Management Handbook (fifth edition), London: Kogan Page, pp 95-100.

WALLACE, G., RUDDUCK, J. and FLUTTER, J. with HARRIS, S. (1998) Using ethnographic methods in a study of students' secondary school and post-school careers, in G. Walford (ed) Doing Research about Education, London: Falmer Press, 76-92.

RUDDUCK, J., DAY, J. and Wallace, G. (1997) Students' perspectives on school improvement, in A. Hargreaves (ed.) Rethinking Educational Change with Heart and Mind (the 1997 ASCD Yearbook), Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, pp.73-91.

HARRIS, S., RUDDUCK, J. and WALLACE, G. (1996) Political contexts and school careers, in M. Hughes (ed.) Teaching and Learning in Changing Times, London: Blackwell, pp.32-50.

Some of Jean Rudduck's Other Publications: Since 1999

GALTON, M., GRAY, J. AND RUDDUCK, J. et al (2003) Progress in the Middle Years of Schooling (7-14): Continuities and Discontinutities in Learning, London: The Stationery Office for the DfES.

RUDDUCK, J. AND URQUHART, I. (2003) Neglected aspects of transfer and transition: gender and the pupil voice, in C. Skelton and B. Francis (eds) Boys and Girls in the Primary School Classroom, Maidenhead: Open University Press. Pp167-185.

RUDDUCK, J. and MORRISON, I. (2001) Sutton Centre, in M. Maden (ed) Success Against the Odds - Five Years On, London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp.275-306.

RUDDUCK, J. and McINTYRE, D. (eds) (1999) Educational Research: The Challenge Facing Us, London: Paul Chapman. (211 pages)

RUDDUCK, J. (1999) Innovacion y Cambio: El Desarrollo de la Participacion y la Comprension, Sevilla: Publicaciones M.C.E.P. (trans. P.M.Bernardez). (206 pages) (translation)