Professor of Education
E-mail Address
- PhD, Institute of Education, University of London
- MA, Institute of Education, University of London
- PGCE, Institute of Education, University of London
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
- Honorary member of Australian Teacher Education Association
- Honorary Professor, UCL Institute of Education
- Honorary Research Fellow, University of Oxford
- Honorary Professor, University of Cumbria
- Chartered Geographer (Teacher) Status
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
- British Education Research Association
- American Education Research Association
- Series Editor for IGU CGE Book Series with Springer: International Perspectives on Geography Education
- Executive Editorial Board member for Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice
I have recently joined the University of Cambridge from my previous role as Professor of Education at UCL’s Institute of Education (IOE), where I developed my interest in the quality and development of teacher education following my experience in leadership positions including Pro-Director for Education, Head of Department and Head of Initial Teacher Education, and as Director of the research Centre on Teacher and Early Years Education. My current research interests are in spatial justice and teacher education, inspired by an international research project on high-quality initial teacher education at scale (the results of which have been published by Routledge), and my engagement with the reforms to the teacher education landscape in England brought about by the ITT Market Review. I am interested in how we can redefine quality within initial teacher education to a greater sense of transformation as an educational goal and improving access to teacher education as a driver of access to educational opportunities. I started my career as a geography teacher and teacher educator in London and have been active in the international geography education community, acting as Co-Chair of the International Geographical Union Commission for Geography Education, and editor of their book series, and Chair for the UK-based Geography Education Research Collective.
Academic Area/Links
Research Topics
- Teacher education, particularly aspects of quality and accountability, ITE policy and practice
- Spatial perspectives on education, particularly teacher education
- Professional practice
- Geography education
Current Research Project(s)
- Teacher Education: a case of spatial justice? Following on from the Quality at Scale in Initial Teacher Education project (2019 to 2021), I am developing this thematic research area looking at teacher education through the lens of spatial justice.
- Teacher Education policy building in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: a case of spatial justice in collaboration with AP Ana Angelita de Rocha from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, looking at how teacher education is supporting the effort to rebuild opportunity in Rio de Janeiro in the light of pandemic-related inequalities particularly in the favelas.
- Investigating global education policy ‘fixes’ for post-pandemic recovery (with Professor Jane Perryman, UCL), exploring post-pandemic education policies (with an emphasis on spatial justice.
- Teacher Standards: country case study of England, (UNESCO)
- Co-leader of EdD
- Supervising tutor on Masters in Education
- Clare currently supervises students whose research interests align with her own.
Principal and Recent Publications
Brooks, C. (2023) Key Words in Teacher Education: Quality. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Brooks, C. [&] J., Perryman (2023) Policy in the pandemic: lost opportunities, returning to ‘normal’ and ratcheting up control London Review of Education, 21: 1 DOI:https://doi.org/10.14324/LRE.21.1.23
Hordern, J., and Brooks, C. (2023) “The core content framework and the 'new science' of educational research”. Oxford Review of Education.
Brooks, C. McIntyre, J. and Mutton, T. (2023) “Learning to think, perform and act with integrity: does teacher education have a signature pedagogy, and does it matter?” London Review of Education Special Issue: Rising to the challenge of teacher education to prepare teachers for today’s world. Vol. 21(1). DOI: 10.14324/LRE.21.1.01.
Brooks, C. (2023) “When research doesn’t travel: borrowing from the US to influence English policy on teacher education.” ISATT year book
Brooks, C., (2023) Teachers' research capacity and initial teacher education policy. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 5. Elsevier, pp. 611–621. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ B978-0-12-818630-5.04091-4.
Brooks, C., Gong, Q., Rocha, A.A., Salinas-Silva, V. (2022). Spatial Perspectives: A Missing Link for Comparative Teacher Education Research. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59533-3_36-1.
Brooks, C. (2021) Initial Teacher Education at Scale; Quality Conundrums. London, Routledge.
Brooks, C., McIntyre, J. and Mutton, T. (2021) Teacher Education Policy Making during the Pandemic. Special Issue of Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice entitled: The Drive for Equity and Quality in the Time of Covid-19: Considerations and Implications for Teachers and Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2021.1997984
Brooks, C., (2021). The quality conundrum in initial teacher education, Teachers and Teaching, 27:1-4, 131-146, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2021.1933414