Professor of the History of Science, Technology and Education
Bye-Fellow and Director of Studies (Education), Emmanuel College
E-mail Address
+ 44 (0)1223 767724
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. (Education) Queen’s University, Canada
- M.A. (Cantab) University of Cambridge, U.K.
- M.A. (History and Philosophy of Science and Technology) University of Toronto, Canada
- M.Ed. (Education) Queen’s University, Canada
- B.Ed. (Education) Queen’s University, Canada
- B.Sc. (Hons. Co-op, Physics) University of Waterloo, Canada
Professional and Elected Qualifications
- P.Phys. (Professional Physicist)
- FRAS (Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society)
- FRGS (Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society)
- FRSA (Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce)
- QTS (Qualified Teacher Status, U.K.)
- OCT (Ontario Certified Teacher, Canada)
Membership of Professional Bodies and Learned Societies
- ACFAS (Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences)
- American Geophysical Union
- Canadian Association of Physicists
- EDiLiC (Éducation et Diversité Linguistique et Culturelle)
- History of Science Society
- Royal Astronomical Society
- Royal Geographical Society
- Royal Historical Society
- Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
I am a Professor of the History of Science, Technology and Education. My work uses the lenses offered by the history and philosophy of science and technology (HPST) to both examine ideas in education and to contribute to the history of science, technology and education. Currently, I am particularly interested in the history of the history of technology, the history of engineering education, the intersections between architectural history and art education, and the history of language education.
I have also conducted research on teacher education and professional development, with a particular focus on self-study methodology and the role of reflective practice in developing professional knowledge about, and for, teaching and teaching future teachers. Within this domain, I am currently particularly interested in the intersection between plurilingual approaches to education and the required re-negotiations of professional and personal identities.
Academic Areas
- Second Language Education Research Group
- Science Education Research Group
- Cambridge Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Centre
Web Presence
- http://shawnbullock.ca
- I do not use social media.
Research Topics
- The history of education
- The history and philosophy of science and technology education
- The history of language education and multilingual education
- Teacher education, identity, and professional development, particularly the education of science teachers, history teachers, and language teachers
- Self-study of teaching and teacher education
- Reflective practice and professional development
- Research methodology and methods
Doctoral Supervision Opportunities
I am available to supervise doctoral students (PhD or EdD) and would welcome enquiries for supervision in the following areas:
- the history of education (particularly the intersections between the histories of science, design, technology, and education),
- history education, language education (particularly the history of language education policy and plurilingual approaches to language education),
- teacher education and professional development
- science and technology education
- technology and education
I am particularly interested in historical, philosophical, and qualitative reflexive approaches to research in these areas. I am also interested in working with those wishing to study the development of their own professional knowledge as practitioners using self-study methodology.
Please click here for more information on how to contact me.
Current Research Projects
- Sir Oliver Lodge: Physicist and Public Educationist
- The Professional Education of Engineers in Canada: 1945-1965
- Multilingual Education at a Crossroads: Understanding Crucibles of Change in England, France, and Canada (1968-1978)
- Language teacher education in the late 19th-Century
- Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices
- Maker Pedagogy
Please see the full details of my current research program
- EdD (Year 3+ Sessions)
- MPhil: Knowledge, Power and Politics
- MPhil: Mathematics Education
- Secondary PGCE Professional Studies (Past assignment)
- Secondary PGCE History (Past assignment)
- Tripos: Changing Landscapes of Childhood and Youth
- Tripos: The Emergence of Educational Systems
- Tripos: Designing Educational Research
New Edited Book
Kitchen, J., Berry, A., Bullock, S. M., Crowe, A., Taylor, M., Guðjónsdottír, H., & Thomas, L. (Eds.). (2020). 2nd International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Springer.
Publisher Page | Faculty of Education Library Page
Principal and Recent Publications
Here is a list of recent, representative, publications, organized by area of research interest:
The History of Science
- Bullock, S. M. (2015). Radars, modems, and air defense systems: Noise as a data communication problem in the 1950s. Perspectives on Science, 24 (1) , 73–92.
The History of Education
- MacFarlane, E. C. & Bullock, S. M. (2017). Dreaming of modern design: Considering a curriculum history of teacher education in British Columbia. In T. M. Christou (Ed.), The curriculum history of Canadian teacher education (pp. 195-212) London: Routledge.
Language Education
- Bullock, S. M., & Sabatier, C. (2019). Didactique du français langue seconde au Canada: État des lieux de la recherche, Français dans le Monde: Recherches et Applications, 65. Édition spéciale cordonné par P. Blanchet et P. Chardenet, La recherche en didactique du FLE/S : vers une connaissance globale stratégique.
Technology Education
- Bullock, S. M. & Sabatier Bullock, C. (2019). L’enseignement de la technologie en immersion française : et si l’on s’intéressait au contenu ? Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée 110, 13-21.
History Teacher Education
- Sabatier Bullock, C. & Bullock, S. M. (2020). Re-imagining history teaching by challenging national narratives. In T. Christou & C. Berg (Eds). The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education (pp. 77-96). Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Science Teacher Education
- Bullock, S. M, & Sator, A. J. (2018). Developing a pedagogy of ‘making’ through collaborative self-study. Studying Teacher Education, 14(1), 56-70.
Teacher Education and Professional Development
- Bullock, S. M. (2017). Understanding candidates’ learning relationships with their cooperating teachers: A call to reframe my pedagogy. Studying Teacher Education, 13(2), 179-192.
Please visit http://shawnbullock.ca for a full list of books, book chapters, articles, and conference presentations.