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Gabrielle Cliff-Hodges


University Senior Lecturer in Education until September 2017

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Gabrielle Cliff Hodges taught in three 11-18 comprehensive schools in Cambridgeshire, in the last as Head of English, before moving into teacher education at Homerton College in 1993 and subsequently the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education in 2001. She co-ordinated and taught on the Secondary English PGCE course, as well as contributing to the MEd in Researching Practice and MPhil in Critical Approaches to Children's Literature. She is an Executive Council member of the United Kingdom Literacy Association. She is also active in the National Association for the Teaching of English as a member of the Initial Teacher Education Committee. She was Chair of NATE from 1996-8 during which time she was centrally involved in national debates about the teaching of English and literacy and the future of English as a curriculum subject.
