Head of Faculty
E-mail Address
(+44) 01223 767555
- PhD University of Leicester
- PGCE University of Oxford (Wolfson College)
- BA (Hons) French and European Literature, University of Warwick
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
- Fellow: Royal Society of Arts
Dr Hilary Cremin researches, writes and teaches about peace education and conflict transformation in schools and communities. She is concerned with big questions about the future of education and peace building, and works with her graduate students to consider new directions for the field. She is chair of the Cambridge Peace Education Research Group with her graduate-student co-chairs. CPERG offers seminars in Cambridge and online, as well as providing resources on their website for those interested in peace education research and practice. Hilary has an interest in arts-based methodologies including photo-voice, poetry and autoethnography.
Hilary has worked in the public, private and voluntary sector as a school teacher, educational consultant, project coordinator and academic. She has worked with various adult and community groups and in hundreds of primary and secondary schools throughout the UK and internationally. She has also worked as a community mediator, mediating both neighbour and family disputes. She continues to be involved in the promotion and delivery of conflict transformation and peace-building work in schools and communities.
She is the Chair of the Degree Committee in the Faculty of Education.
Academic Area/Links
- Peace education (inner and outer peace)
- Conflict resolution in schools and communities (including restorative approaches and peer mediation)
- Embodiment in education research and practice
- Poetry in research
- Photo-voice research methodology
- Autoethnography
- New models of peace education
Please note - Prof Cremin has no new places available for PhD supervision starting October 2022
Course Involvement
- MPhil/MEd
- PhD supervision
- Education Tripos
Principal Publications
Cremin, H. & Bevington, T. (2017) Positive Peace in Schools: Tackling conflict and creating a culture of peace in the classroom, London: Routledge
Sellman, E., Cremin, H., and McCluskey, G. (2014) (Eds) Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools: International perspectives on managing relationships in the classroom, London: Routledge
Arthur, J. & Cremin, H. (2011) (Eds) Debates in Citizenship Education, London: Routledge
Cremin, H. (2007) Peer Mediation: Citizenship and social inclusion revisited. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Vincett, K. Cremin, H. and Thomas, G. (2005) Working together: Effective teacher-teaching assistant teamwork. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Cremin, H. (2000) Learning How to Mediate. London: SAGE Publications.
Robinson, P. and Stacey, H. (1997) Let's Mediate: A Teachers Guide to Peer Support and Conflict Resolution Skills for All Ages. London: SAGE Publications.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Cremin, H., Aryoubi, H., Kurian, N., Hajir, B., & Salem, H. (2021) Post-abyssal Ethics in Education Research in Settings of Conflict and Crisis: Stories from the Field, British Education Research Journal, 47, 4, 787-1138
Echavarria, J. & Cremin, H. (2019) Education for territorial peace in Colombia: what role for transrational peace? Journal of Peace Education 16, 3, 316-338
Cremin, H., Echavarria, J. & Kester, K. (2018) Transrational Peacebuilding Education to Reduce Epistemic Violence, Peace Review, 30, 3, 295-302
Cremin, H. (2018) What comes after post/modern peace education? Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50, 14, 1564-1565
Cremin, H. (2018). An Autoethnography of a Peace Educator: Deepening Reflections on Research, Practice, and the Field, Emotion, Space and Society, 28, 1-8.
Kester K. & Cremin, H. (2017) Peace Education and Peace Education Research: Toward a Concept of Post-Structural Violence and Second Order Reflexivity, Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2017.1313715
Cremin, H. (2015) Peace education research in the twenty-first century: Three concepts facing crisis or opportunity? Journal of Peace Education, DOI:10.1080/17400201.2015.1069736
Cremin, H. & Guilherme, A. (2015): Violence in Schools: Perspectives (and hope) from Galtung and Buber, Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2015.1102038
Cremin, H. (2014) Peace Educator Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 3, 2, http://www.othereducation.stir.ac.uk/index.php/OE/article/view/94
Cremin, H. McCluskey, G. & Sellman, E. (2012) Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Restorative Justice: Developing insights for Education, British Journal of Educational Studies, 60 (4)
Warwick, P. Cremin, H. Harrison, T. & Mason, M. (2012) The Complex Ecology of Young People’s Community Engagement and the Call for Civic Pedagogues, Journal of Social Science Education, 11 (3) 65-87
Stanfield, J. & Cremin, H (2012) Importing control in Initial Teacher Training: theorizing the construction of specific habitus in recent proposals for induction into teaching, Journal of Education Policy, DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2012.682608
Mason, C. Cremin, H., & Warwick, P. (2011) Learning to (Dis)Engage?: The socialising experiences of young people living in areas of socio-economic disadvantage British Journal of Educational Studies, 59, 4, 403-419
Cremin, H., Mason, C. & Busher, H. (2010) Problematising pupil voice using visual methods: findings from a study of engaged and disaffected pupils in an urban secondary school, British Educational Research Journal iFirst Article, 1–19
Cremin, H and Warwick, P. (2008) Multiculturalism is Dead: long live community cohesion? A Case Study of an Educational Methodology to Empower Young People as Global Citizens. Research in Comparative and International Education, 3 (1) 36-49.
Cremin, H. and Thomas, G. (2005) 'Maintaining underclasses via contrastive judgement: can inclusive education ever happen?' British Journal of Educational Studies, 53 (4) 431-446.
Cremin, H., Thomas, G. and Vincett, K. (2005) 'Working with teaching assistants: three models evaluated'. Research Papers in Education, 20 (4) 409-427.
Cremin, H. and Slatter, B. (2004) Is it possible to access the 'voice' of pre-school children? Results of a research project in a pre-school setting. Educational Studies, 30, 4, 457-471.
Cremin, H. (2003) Violence and Institutional Racism in Schools. British Educational Research Journal, 29, 6, 929-941.
Short works and book chapters
Cremin, H. and Kester, K. (2020) Bare-Foot Hope for Peace: Vulnerability in Peace Learning. In McKenna, M. and Brantmeier, E. The Pedagogy of Vulnerability, Charlotte, N Carolina: Information Age Publishing
Tsuruhara, T. & Cremin, H. (2019) Understanding conflict transformation dialogue through coding based on Buber and Rogers. In N. Mercer, R. Wegerif & L. Major (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education, Abingdon: Routledge, 610-622
Ahmed, F. & Cremin, H. (2019) Dialogic Education for Transformative Processes (Section introduction). In N. Mercer, R. Wegerif & L. Major (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education, Abingdon: Routledge, 595-597
Bevington, T., Kurian, N. & Cremin, H. (2019) Peace Education as Citizenship Education: Shared Critiques. In A. Peterson, G. Stahl & H. Soong (Eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Citizenship and Education, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
Cremin, H. & Guilherme, A. (2019) Violence and Peace in Schools: Some Philosophical Reflections. In H. Shapiro (Ed) The Wiley Handbook on Violence in Education: Forms, Factors, and Preventions, New York: Wiley, 559-575
Cremin, H. & Archer, D.T. (2018) Transrational Education: Exploring possibilities for learning about peace, harmony, justice and truth in the twenty first century. In J. Echavarría Alvarez, D. Ingruber & N. Koppensteiner (Eds.) Transrational Resonances: Echoes to the Many Peaces, Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cremin, H. & Warwick, P. (2015, 2009) Developing skills of enquiry: A critical dialogic approach to CE and its contribution to community cohesion. In Gearon, L. (Ed.) Learning to Teach Citizenship in the Secondary School Second Edition, Abingdon: Routledge
Cremin, H., Thomas, G. & Vincett, K. (2013) Working with Teaching Assistants: Three Models Evaluated, In G. Thomas (Ed) Case Study Methods in Education, London: Sage
Busher, H. & Cremin, H. (2012) Developing understanding through ethnography: Students’ and teachers’ perspectives on schooling in performative times, In D. Beach, B. Jeffrey, G. Troman and G. Walford (Eds) Performativity & Ethnography in Education in the UK: Effects, consequences and agency, Milton Keynes: Open University Press
Faul, M. & Cremin, H. (2011) Governing Citizenship Education.In J. Arthur, & H. Cremin (Eds.) Debates in Citizenship Education, Abingdon: Routledge
Cremin, H. (2011) Gender and Citizenship Education In J. Arthur, & H. Cremin (Eds.) Debates in Citizenship Education, Abingdon: Routledge
Cremin, H. (2010) Talking Back to Bazemore and Schiff: A Discussion of Restorative Justice Interventions in Schools. In Rosenfled, Quinet and Garcia (Eds) Contemporary Issues in Criminological Theory and Research: The Role of Social Institutions, Kentucky: Cengage publishing.
Cremin, H. (2008) Education as a social and political process. In S. Dymoke, and J. Harrison Reflective Teaching and Learning: A guide to Professional Issues for Beginning Secondary Teachers. London: Sage.
Cremin, H. and Warwick, P. (2006) Mapping subject knowledge. In L. Gearon (ed.) Teaching Citizenship in the Secondary School: A practical guide. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Stacey, H. (2000) Mediation and Peer Mediation. In Cowie, H. and Wallace, P. (Eds.) Peer Support in Action: From Bystanding to Standing By. London: SAGE Publications.
Stacey, H., Robinson, P., and Cremin, D. (1997) Using Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation to Tackle Bullying. In Tattum, D.P. and Lane, D.A. (Eds.) Bullying: Home, School and Community. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Articles in professional journals
Slatter, B. and Cremin, H. (2005) Consulting with pre-school children. Primary Practice: Journal of the National Primary Trust, 39, 33-39.
Cremin H. (2004) Missing the Point of the Circle. Emotional Literacy Update, September 2004.
Cremin, H. (2004) La médiation par les pairs. Recherche dans quinze écoles primaires anglaises possédant des services réussis de médiation, Ville Ecole Intégration, Violence en milieu scolaire : recherches, pratiques exemplaires et formation des maîtres. Hors série No. 8, février 2004, 72-83.
Cremin, H., Thomas, G. and Vincett, K. (2003) Learning zones: an evaluation of three models for improving learning through teacher/teaching assistant teamwork, Support for Learning, 18, 4, 154-64.
Cremin, H. (2002) Circle Time: why it doesn't always work. Primary Practice, The Journal of the National Primary Trust, 30, 23-29.
Cremin, H. (2002) Pupils resolving disputes: Successful peer mediation schemes share their secrets. Support for Learning, 17, 3, 138-144.
Cremin, H. (2000) School Mediation Works. Mediation Magazine, 63, 7.
Robinson, P. and Stacey, H. (1999) Infant Mediation: Helping young people to develop the ability to resolve their own conflicts. Building Blocks for Global Learning.
Stacey, H. and Robinson, P. (1998) Human Schools. In Perfect Partners. Supporting Literacy in the Community. London, Kingscourt Publishing Ltd.
Silcock, P. and Stacey, H. (1997) Peer Mediation and the Co-operative School. Education 3 to 13. Vol. 25, No. 2, 3-9.
Stacey, H. (1996) Mediation into schools does go: An outline of the mediation process and how it can be used to promote positive relationships and effective conflict resolution in schools. The Journal for Pastoral Care and Personal and Social Education, Vol. 14, No.2, 7-10.
Stacey, H. (1996) Peer Mediation: Skills Training for life. Primary Practice: The Journal of the National Primary Trust, No.3, 1-3.