Associate Teaching Professor
E-mail Address
(+44) 01223 330578
- BEng (Hons) Loughborough University of Technology
- PGCE (Physics/Science) University of Cambridge
- MEd (Science Education) University of Cambridge
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
- Institute of Physics
- American Association of Physics Teachers
- Association for Science Education
- Editorial Board of School Science Review
- Chartered Science Teacher
James joined the Faculty of Education in 2004. He currently leads the secondary Physics PGCE course and contributes to the science provision on the Primary PGCE courses as well as supervising on the MEd course and an advisor for doctoral students. He is a member of the Physics Education Research Group at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, where is studying for a doctorate focusing on the developing professional identity of early career physics teachers. James also works with the Ogden Trust on many of their national education projects including leading their research network and designing and delivering a project to support early career physics teachers.
Previously, for many years, he worked as a secondary school physics teacher and then for the Science Learning Network developing, writing and leading continuing professional development (CPD) courses regionally and nationally with a focus on supporting specialist and non-specialist teachers of physics.
James has written a variety of materials for students and teachers in both the primary and secondary phase. These include textbooks, schemes of work, digital resources, science class readers and teacher guides to support A-level physics and practical work. He has also been a consultant for a series of high interest science books for KS2 and a set of television programs. He co-writes a regular column on physics education research in Classroom Physics, the Institute of Physics’ magazine for teachers. James is on the reviewing panel for multiple journals including the Journal of Teacher Development, Research in Science Education, Research in Science & Technological Education and Physics Education. In addition to the workshops listed below, he has run CPD sessions at regional and national conferences for the Association of Science Education the Institute of Physics for many years.
Academic Area/Research Topics/Links
- Science/Physics education
- Secondary education
- Teacher education
Research Interests
- Physics teacher professional identity
- Mentoring of early career teachers
Publications (Academic and Professional)
de Winter, J., & Airey, J. (2022). Pre-service physics teachers’ developing views on the role of mathematics in the teaching and learning of physics. Physics Education, 57(6).
Hyde, R., & de Winter, J. (2022). Caring for Preservice Teachers’ Professional and Personal Growth During and After COVID. In M. Shoffner & A. W. Webb (Eds.), Reconstructing Care in Teacher Education after COVID-19: Caring Enough to Change. Routledge.
de Winter, J. (2022). Physics with everyday objects: Springy sweets, a universe in your pocket, and drawing circuits. Science in School, 56, 1–4.
de Winter, J. (2021). Knowledge, Teaching, Teachers, Physics, Universities and Me. In Gatsby Charitable Foundation (Ed.), Reforming Teacher Training: Expert Perspectives. Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
de Winter, J., & Hardman, M. eds (2021). Teaching Secondary Physics, 3rd Edition. London: Hodder Education.
de Winter, J. (2021). Teaching Forces. In: de Winter, J., & Hardman, M. eds. Teaching Secondary Physics, 3rd Edition. London: Hodder Education.
Denton, A., de Winter, J. (2021). Teaching Matter. In: de Winter, J., & Hardman, M. eds. Teaching Secondary Physics, 3rd Edition. London: Hodder Education.
de Winter, J., & Denton, A. (2021). Cycling, physics and the teaching of forces. School Science Review, 103(382), 37–42.
de Winter, J., & Airey, J. (2019). What makes a good physics teacher? Views from the English stakeholder community. Physics Education, 55(1).
de Winter, J. (2019). Physics and Birdsong: “Listening” with Graphs. The Physics Teacher, 57(6), 364–367.
Winterbottom, M. & de Winter, J. (2017). Approaches to Teaching and Learning Science. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
de Winter, J. (2017). Teaching and Learning in Physics. In: Taber, K., Akpan, B. eds. Science Education: An International Course Companion. Rotterdam: Sense.
de Winter, J., Inglis, M. (2017). Physics Practical Guides 11-16. In: Abrahams, I., Reiss, M. eds. Enhancing Learning with Effective Practical Science 11-16. New York: Bloomsbury.
de Winter, J. (2015). Using Birdsong to Support the Teaching of Sound and Graphs. School Science Review, 96(356), 51-57
Hillier, J., de Winter, J., & Twidle, J. (2013). I Could Enjoy Teaching: The Case of Physics. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 13(3), 287–302
de Winter, J. (2011). ‘I no longer dread teaching physics, I now enjoy it!’ Participant reflections from the SASP physics course. Physics Education, 46(2), 159
de Winter, J., Winterbottom, M., & Wilson, E. (2010). Developing a user guide to integrating new technologies in science teaching and learning: teachers’ and pupils’ perceptions of their affordances. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19(2), 261–267
Publications (Textbooks and Teacher Resources)
Beverley, N., de Winter, J., Hiscock, N., Lawrence, L., & Turner, J. (2014). Snap Science - Teaching Framework Year 3. London: Collins Educational.
Banbury, C., Turford, B., de Winter, J., & Turner, J. (2014). Snap Science - Teaching Framework Year 6. London: Collins Educational.
Bridges, M. A., de Winter, J., Fullick, A., Grime, R., Hudson, M., Saunders, D. (2011) Edexcel GCSE Science: Additional Science Student Book. London: Edexcel.
de Winter, J. (2010). Spies: Amazing Tricks of a Secret Agent. London: A & C Black.
de Winter, J. (2009). Treasure Hunter!: Discover Lost Cities and Pirate Gold. London: A & C Black.
de Winter, J. (2009). Extreme Science: Secrets of Sport. London: A&C Black.
de Winter, J. (2009). Extreme Science: How To Catapult A Castle. London: A&C Black.
Bradfield, P., de Winter, J., Harmsworth, A., Porter, C., Saunders, N., Shewry, R. (2006). Edexcel GCSE Additional Science: Pupil’s Book. London: Edexcel.
de Winter, J., Laird, R., Saunders, N., Shewry, R., Spencer, P., & Stirrup, M. (2006). Edexcel GCSE Science: Pupil’s Book. London: Edexcel.
Conference Presentations and Events
de Winter, J. (2022) Invited Conference Presentation: Physics Teaching in England. Norwegian Physics Teachers' Association Conference. Orkanger, Norway, 7th –10th August 2022
de Winter J. (2022) Invited Keynote Speech: On Becoming a Physics Teacher. Ogden Trust National Early Career Physics Teacher Conference. Birmingham, UK, 24-25th July 2022
de Winter, J. (2022) Invited Keynote Speech: Knowledge Transformation - From PER to the Classroom. Institute of Physics National Conference - “Physics for Everyone” University of Birmingham. UK. 29th June 2022
de Winter, J. (2022) Conference Presentation: Great Minds of Science Education. CogSciSci Conference. Tamworth, UK. 31st May 2022
de Winter, J. (2021) Invited Keynote Speech: How To Flourish As A Physics Teacher - Research, Wisdom and Expert Physics Teaching. Institute of Physics Early Career Teacher National Program Launch, UK, 25th September 2021
de Winter, J. (2021) Conference Presentation: Shoebox PCK: Remote Physics Teacher Education with/on Shoestring. American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 1st – 4th August 2021
de Winter J. (2021) Invited Plenary Lecture: Research, Wisdom and Expert Physics Teaching. Ogden Trust National Partnership Conference 18th June 2021
de Winter, J., Airey, J. (2020) Conference Presentation: Subject Identity, Subject Knowledge, Status and Community: Stakeholder perspectives on initial physics teacher education in England. GIREP Conference Physics Teacher Education – What matters? 16th -18th November 2020
de Winter, J. (2020) Seminar: What makes a good physics teacher? University of Cambridge Science & Technology Education Research Group, 20th January 2020.
de Winter J. (2020) Conference Presentation: Wisdom from one of the Greatest Physics Teachers Ever. Association for Science Education Annual Conference, Reading, UK 8th -12th January 2020
de Winter, J. (2019) Invited panelist: Lessons from International Physics Teacher Education Systems at PhysTEC Conference, Boston, US, 1-3 March 2019.
de Winter, J. (2018) Physics Teacher Education in England: Then, Now and the Future. Presentation at American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 27th July – 1st August 2018.
de Winter, J. (2018) Training science teachers in England. Invited seminar at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Stockholm University. May 16th, 2018.
de Winter, J. (2017) The training and development of Physics Teachers in England and views from the Stakeholder Community. Invited speaker in seminar on Physics teacher competence and the culture for teaching and learning in physics departments. University of Oslo, Department of Physics October 25th, 2017.
de Winter, J., Airey, J. (2017) What is a ‘good’ physics teacher? Views from the UK education community. 12th conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2017), August 21-25, 2017, Dublin, Ireland.
de Winter, J., Winterbottom, M. and Wilson, E. 2009. New technologies in science teaching: developing an online beginners' guide. EDEN Annual Conference. Gdansk, Poland. 10th-13th June 2009.
de Winter, J. and Winterbottom, M. 2009. Developing a user guide to new technologies in science teaching and learning. RITWIT Conference. Cambridge, UK. 29th-30th June 2009.
Course Involvement
- Secondary Physics PGCE (course lead)
- Secondary Biology PGCE
- Secondary Chemistry PGCE
- Secondary PGCE (Senior Examiner)
- Primary PGCE (Subject Lead for Science and Chair of Section 1 Examining)
- Transforming Practice MEd