Associate Professor
E-mail Address
+ 44 (0)1223 767572
- PhD, Cambridge
- MEd, Cambridge
- Dip RSA, Redbridge
- PGCE, Goldsmiths, London
- BA (Hons), Bangor
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Life Fellow: Hughes Hall
- Alumn: Trinity Hall
- Immediate Past President: World Association of Lesson Studies, Singapore
- Visiting Research Fellow, Nagoya University, Japan
- Visiting Professor, Northeast Normal University, China
- Series editor: WALS-Routledge Book Series
- Co-Chair: North London Alliance Research school
Pete gained his PhD at the Faculty of Education in 2011 which he joined in 2017 to lead the Education Leadership and Improvement Masters route and to continue researching and developing teacher learning, lesson study, practitioner research, professional development, system leadership and policy. He joined Hughes Hall as a senior member in 2015 as a founding member of Oracy Cambridge and in 2021 established and leads Camtree - Cambridge's Teacher Research Exchange: a platform for practitioner researchers to meet, develop and publish their research www.camtree.org. Pete's dialogic Research Lesson Study Handbook (now in it's fifth edition (2019) see link below) has been distributed or downloaded over 100,000 times and is available in seven languages.
School improvement leadership
Pete taught in Primary and Secondary schools in East London and Western Thrace - Greece before working in school improvement services in Essex (with responsibilities for school standards, curriculum and assessment); Redbridge, London (as Deputy Director of Education); and at the National College for School Leadership (2003-5) where he innovated Research Lesson Study for Networked Learning Communities. He led the Primary National Strategy for five years raising standards nationally and introducing the ‘Leading Improvement’ programme, collaborative classroom enquiry and the WhatWorksWell database of classroom learning research. He directed education and wider children’s services in Central Bedfordshire before joining the London Borough of Camden as Director of Education (2013-2019) leading the establishment of schools-led Camden Learning. He has led lesson study-based school and system improvement (and research) in the UK - and internationally with the World Association of Lesson Studies where he is Immediate Past President.
Academic Area/Links
- Leadership for Learning – Faculty of Education
- Cambridge Educational Dialogue in Research (CEDiR) – Faculty of Education
- Leadership team - Oracy Cambridge – Hughes Hall
- CEO - Camtree Cambridge's Teacher Research Exchange, The Bridge, Hughes Hall
Research Topics
- Education Leadership, Change, Evaluation and Policy – Faculty of Education
- Lesson Study for improvement, change and achievement for all learners
- System leadership and reform informed by practitioner research
- Oracy, dialogue and collaborative teacher learning
- Web-enabled classroom, school and system practitioner research
- Education Leadership and Improvement Masters - Route Coordinator
- EdD co-leader.
- Contributor to other Masters courses.
Principal and Recent Publications
Journal Articles
Vermunt, J. D., Vrikki, M., Dudley, P. and Warwick, P. (2023) Relations between teacher learning patterns, personal and contextual factors and learning outcomes in the context of lesson study. Teaching and Teacher Education. 133 (2023) 104295.
Twiner, A., Carmichael, P., Dudley, P. and Hennessy, S. (2023) Camtree, A vision for the future of practitioner research. BERA Research Intelligence, Issue 155. June 2023.
Dudley, P., Pratt, M., Gilbert, C., Abbey, J., Lang, J. and Bruckdorfer, H. (2020) Cross-school 'close-to-practice' action research, system leadership and local civic governance, re-engineering an inner city learning community. UCL IoE London Review of Education. https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.14324/LRE.18.3.05
Dudley, P., Xu, H., & Lang, J. (2019) Empirical evidence of the impact of lesson study on: students’ achievement, teachers’ professional learning and on institutional and system evolution: an illustrative, complex case-development exemplar in London. European Journal of Education. *Awarded 'Star Article 2019' by the European Journal of Education and Wiley most downloaded article award. Over 2000 downloads.
Dudley, P. (2018) Third nature: deliberate close to practice research enhancing practice development, curriculum renewal and cross-school improvement capacity. Research Intelligence. British Educational Research Association. November 2018.
Warwick, P., Vrikki, M., Faeroyvik Karlson, A., Dudley, P., Vermunt, J. (2018) The role of pupil voice as a trigger for teacher learning in Lesson Study professional groups. Cambridge Journal of Education https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0305764X.2018.1556606
Norwich, B., Dudley, P., Ylonen, A. (2014) Using Lesson Study to Assess Pupils’ Learning Difficulties, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Emerald, 3,2 2014, pp 192-207.
Dudley, P. (2013) Teacher Learning in Lesson Study: What interaction level discourse analysis revealed about how teachers utilised imagination, tacit knowledge of teaching and fresh evidence of pupils learning, to develop practice knowledge and so enhance their pupils’ learning,Teaching and Teacher Education, 34 (2013) 107-121. Over 1500 downloads.
Dudley, P. (2012) Lesson Study in England: from school networks to national policy International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol.1 Issue1, January (2012), Emerald
Goei, S.L., Norwich, B. and Dudley, P. (Eds.) (2021) Lesson Study in inclusive settings. Routledge.
Dudley, P. (2019) Research Lesson Study: a handbook. Lesson Study UK www.lessonstudy.co.uk Fifth Edition. (First published 2003 by NCSL.)
Dudley, P. (Ed.) (2015) Lesson Study: professional learning for our time. Routledge.
Dudley, P. (2013) A guide to effective CPD, Oxford Owl, OUP. http://assets.oxfordowl.co.uk/2014/11/07/16/11/03/715/bp_cpd_guide.pdf
Chapters in books
Dudley, P. and Robson, R. (2024) Reforming the school system: lessons from England, in Politics and knowledge shaping educational reform, edited by Colleen McLaughlin and Alan Ruby. Cambridge University Press.
Dudley, P. (2023) What to learn from, what to adopt, what to remain alert to and what not-to-forget in the post pandemic world of lesson studies and online professional learning in Teacher professional learning through lesson study in virtual/hybrid environments: opportunities, challenges, and future directions by Rongjin Huang, Nina Helgevold, Jean Lang and Heng Jiang, Routledge, Abingdon.
Dudley, P. and Nanthabalan, B. (2023) Leading Inclusive Practice in Expanding possibilities for inclusive learning, Kristine Black Hawkins and Ashley Grinham-Smith (Eds.) Routledge, Abingdon.
Dudley, P. and Lang, J. (2021) How case pupils, pupil interviews and sequenced research lessons can strengthen teacher insights in how to improve learning for all pupils, in Stepping Up Lesson Study, Aki Murata & Christine Lee, (Eds). Routledge, Abingdon.
Dudley, P. and Vrikki, M. (2020) Teachers' collaborative dialogues in contexts of lesson study in N. Mercer, R. Wegerif and L. Major. The Routledge Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. P. 217-226. Routledge, Abingdon,
Dudley, P., Warwick, P., Mercer, N., Vrikki, M., Vermunt, J., van Halem, N. & Karlsen, A. (2019) Implementing a new mathematics curriculum in England: district Research Lesson Study as a driver for student learning, teacher learning and professional dialogue in Takahashi, A., Huang, R. and da Ponte, J. Theory and practices of Lesson Study in mathematics, an international perspective, New York, Springer
Dudley, P. and Duffy, B. (2016) Research and Teaching, in A guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching, (Rogers, S. & Wyse, D. Eds.) London, Sage.
Dudley, P. (2013) Lesson Study: its rationale, underlying principles and reasons for its use by teachers of children with moderate learning difficulties in Lesson Study and pupils with moderate learning difficulties, Norwich, B. & Jones, J. (Eds.), London, Continuum
Dudley, P. and Swaffield, S. (2008) Understanding and Using Assessment data in Unlocking Assessment, Swaffield, S. (Ed.) Routledge, London