Emeritus Professor of Education
Peter Gronn was Professor of Education at the University of Cambridge. During 2011-14, he was Head of Faculty. He was the deputy chair of UTS Cambridge, the trust for the newly opened University of Cambridge Primary School. Previously, he was Professor in Public Service, Educational Leadership and Management, Department of Educational Studies, University of Glasgow (2007-8). Prior to his arrival in the UK, he held a personal chair appointment as Professor of Education, Monash University (2003-7). While at Monash, he served as Associate Dean (Teaching) (1999-2000), and as Associate Dean (Development) (2002-2004) in the Faculty of Education. He also co-ordinated the Masters coursework degrees in leadership, as part of which he developed and extended the Faculty's teaching profile to the FE, police and corporate sectors, and to public sector professionals in Singapore.
Peter Gronn had extensive research experience in government and non-government school systems, and with public sector agencies in Australia and the UK. He was a leading international scholar in the general field of leadership, and in educational and school leadership. He was the author of over 140 publications. A number of his recent writings have been on leadership configurations and new ways of mapping leadership practice. His most recent book is The New Work of Educational Leaders (London: Sage/Paul Chapman, 2003). In 2005-6 Peter Gronn acted as a consultant to the Australian Council for Educational Research on the project 'Standards for School Leadership' and in 2006-7 he co-authored the Country Background Report for Australia which formed part of the OECD international project on school leadership. He participated in a number of invited seminars and think tanks on leadership succession and development planning, and future directions in the field (e.g., Rockefeller Centre, Bellagio; National College for School Leadership; Centre for Creative Leadership, Greensboro; Leadership Foundation for Higher Education; NYU Wagner, Research Center for Leadership in Action).