Associate Professor in Sociology of Education
E-mail Address
+ 44 (0)1223 767639
- PhD Education and International Development (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- MSc Transatlantic Studies (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- MA (Hons) Modern Languages and Classics (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
- Member of the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE)
- Member of the Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) and the Education, Conflict and Emergencies Special Interest Group (ECE SIG)
- Member of the Interagency Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Dr Liz Maber’s teaching and research explores the multi-dimensional and interconnected relationships between education, conflict and gender particularly in relation to contexts of displacement, armed conflict and authoritarianism.
Liz previously worked as a teacher, curriculum writer and consultant in international education and development (including in Tunisia, Chile, Myanmar and Thailand) and since 2009 has worked particularly with women-led civil society organisations in situations of conflict and displacement. Through her academic research she examines the diverse influences at play in formal and non-formal education practices and the opportunities for education to contribute to social transformation. In recent work she has explored cross-border movements, women-led community education practices and female citizenship constructions in times of transition.
Academic Area/Links
Research Topics
- Education for social justice, inclusion and peacebuilding
- Feminism, gender and intersectionality
- Education in emergencies, conflict and crises
- Cross-border movements and transitions, including issues in refugee education and resettlement
- International and national educational policy and reforms, including inclusive approaches to policy, planning and implementation
- Qualitative research and ethnographic methods
Recent Research Projects
- Co-Investigator: Higher Education, States of Precarity and Conflict
(UK, Turkey, Hungary, South Africa) ESRC Large Grant Award - Community education responses to heightened emergency (Bangladesh & Thailand)
- Edu-Peace Network
- Postgraduate
- Route coordinator for MPhil Knowledge, Power and Politics in Education
- PhD supervision
- Undergraduate
- Teaching across papers relevant to international issues in education, education and international development, sociology of education and research methods.
Principal and Recent Publications
Maber, E. Khin Mar Aung, Hla Win May Oo, May May Win (2022) The precarious politics of teacher
education in Myanmar, in The Handbook of Research on Teacher Education: Innovations and Practices in
Asia, edited by Myint Swe Khine & Yang Liu. Springer.
Maber, E. and Khin Mar Aung (2019) Gender, ethnicity and disability: approaching inclusivity in Myanmar’s education reforms? in The Sage Handbook on Inclusion and Diversity in Education, edited by M. Schuelka, C. Cohnstone, G. Thomas and A. Artiles. Sage.
Lopes Cardozo, M.T.A and Maber, E.J.T. (eds.) (2019) Sustainable Peacebuilding and Social Justice in Times of Transition: Findings on the Role of Education in Myanmar. Springer.
Maber, E.J.T. (2018) Undoing exclusions / expanding inclusion: conceptualising spaces for gendered learning and citizenship constructions in Myanmar's transition. Curriculum Inquiry. 48:5, 560-579.
Maber, E.J.T. and Pyo Let Han (2018) Challenging gender inequalities through education: exploring the work of women's organisations in Myanmar's transition. pp. 268-280, in Women of Asia: Globalization, Development, and Social Change, edited by L. Lindsey and M. Najafizadeh. Routledge.
Maber, E.J.T. (2016) Finding feminism, finding voice? Mobilising community education to build women's participation in Myanmar's political transition. Gender and Education, 28:3, 416-430.
Maber, E.J.T. (2016) Cross-border transitions: navigating conflict and political change through community education practices in Myanmar and the Thai border. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 14:3, 374-389.
Maber, E. (2014) (In)Equality & Action: the role of women’s training initiatives in promoting women’s leadership opportunities in Myanmar. Gender and Development, 22:1, 141-156.