Teaching Associate
E-mail Address
+ 44 (0)1223 767600
- BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor
- Certified Theraplay® Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer
Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations
Currently I work part time at the Faculty for Education as well as running a private practice taking private referrals and work commissioned by local authorities and Independent Fostering Agencies. My specialism is working with Looked After and Adopted children (where commissioned by a registered Adoption Agency) using Theraplay® at the core of integrative therapeutic interventions. I also continue to provide school counselling to a local school. I offer clinical supervision of counsellors working with adults and children, supervision for people on the Theraplay® Therapists practicum, consultative support to other professionals in services to children and adolescents and training to Independent Fostering Agencies and other organisations supporting the mental health of children and young people.
Currently I am pursuing an EdD looking into Theraplay, particularly Tacit Knowing in Theraplay practice.
Academic Area/Links
Research Topics
Current Research Project(s)
My role at the Faculty includes teaching on the child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counselling programme which is accredited by the BACP. My teaching commitment includes contributing to the following courses:
- Postgraduate
- Postgraduate Award child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counselling
- Postgraduate Diploma child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counselling
- MEd Child and Adolescent Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Principal and Recent Publications
Holliday, C., Peacock, F., and Lewoski, C. (2017). Student motivations for undertaking a child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counselling course. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2017.1309519
Richardson, M., and Peacock, F. (2016). Fostering Good Relationships: Partnership Work in Therapy with Looked After and Adopted Children. London: Karnac.
Peacock, F. (2014) Pre-school and the Early Years. In McLaughlin, C., & Holliday, C. (eds) Therapy with children and young people: integrative counselling in schools and other settings London: SAGE
Peacock, F .(2014) Intervening to Work with Other Relationships. In McLaughlin, C., and Holliday, C. (eds) Therapy with children and young people: integrative counselling in schools and other settings London: SAGE
Peacock, F. (2014) Psychotherapeutic Counselling in a Multi-disciplinary, Multi-agency Environment. In McLaughlin, C., and Holliday, C. (eds) Therapy with children and young people: integrative counselling in schools and other settings London: SAGE
Holliday, C. Fuller, T. Peacock, F. and Lewoski, C. (2014) Contracting in Counselling http://counsellingminded.com/
Holliday, C. Fuller, T. Peacock, F. and Lewoski, C. (2014) Concluding Counselling http://counsellingminded.com/
Moore, J., and Peacock, F. (2007).A sensory approach to Assessing and Obtaining the View of Children Delayed in Development. Seen & Heard, 17(4).
Moore, J., and Peacock, F. (2007). BEING BEFORE DOING: LIFE STORY WORK FOR CHILDREN WITH ATTACHMENT DIFFICULTIES. Dramatherapy, 29(1), 19–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/02630672.2007.9689712