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Millennium Goals Revisited: Transforming Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Commonwealth, June 2010 Contexts

Mauritius conference banner

Photos: conference sessions and the planting of Ebony trees during press conference

In June 2010, the Centre for Commonwealth Education hosted a three day invitational conference in Mauritius (funded by the Commonwealth Education Trust), on the theme Millennium Goals Revisited: Transforming Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Commonwealth Contexts.

The 30 participants came from 17 different countries (including Antigua, Papua New Guinea, Mauritius, New Zealand, Uganda) and represented a range of academic institutions, NGOs, and government organisations. Dr The Honourable Rajeshwar Jeetah, Minister of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology, Mauritius opened the conference and participants were welcomed by Vice Chancellor Professor Konrad Morgan to the University of Mauritius where they planted 4 ebony trees and took part in a press conference with Minister Jeetah. Leading development educators from across the Commonwealth presented papers on pedagogy and leadership in schools, on initial and continuing teacher education and on themes associated with the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in schools, on gender issues, and on HIV / AIDS. Abstracts of the papers and a summary of the issues discussed a pdf of the Conference Report is available for download.

A Common Wealth of Learning: Millennium Development Goals Revisited, a contributed volume edited by John MacBeath and Mike Younger, arose from the conference and uses a series of case studies to approach a discussion of the millennium development goals set out at the beginning of the 21st century, and progress towards them in the wake of the colonial legacy.  Chapters include discussions on:

  • Partnerships for Leadership and Learning
  • Quality Education and the Millennium Development Goals Revisited: Reflections, Reality and Future Directions.
  • Assessing the Impact of Education Sector Policy Reform in Low-Income Countries: Developing a Comprehensive, Intervention-Focused Research Programme
  • Education of Quality for All: Myth or Reality!
  • Bridging the Gap Between Research, Policy and Practice in Africa
  • Transformative Models of Practice and Professional Development of Teachers
  • Partnerships for Leading and Learning: The Contribution of the Centre for Commonwealth Education

Published 26th November 2012 by Routledge

Also available via Amazon

Mauritius montage

Photos: Scenes from Mauritius