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Tyler Denmead


I serve as a University Associate Professor in Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. I am also a Fellow, Dean of College, and Director of Studies in Education at Queens’ College, Cambridge. I also serve as the Executive Editor of the Cambridge Journal of Education.

Through my scholarship, I seek to challenge racial inequalities and racial thinking in education. My current project, in collaboration with Dr. Amina Shareef, examines the stubborn and pernicious idea that White people have a superior capacity to be educated—what we are calling White educability. We examine how this and other racial and colonial knowledge circulates in contemporary Britain, particularly in the context of counterterrorism measures on Muslim communities in and through education and the law.

My first book was The Creative Underclass: Youth, Race, and the Gentrifying City (Duke University Press, 2019). 

I have received several teaching awards. I was selected as the National PhD Supervisor of the Year by in 2023. I was also voted by students as the Best Lecturer at the University of Cambridge in 2019.

I also served as the founding executive director of New Urban Arts in Providence, Rhode Island USA, a nationally recognized arts studio for emerging artists from under-resourced communities.

Recent Publications

"Time After Whiteness: Performative Pedagogy and Temporal Subjectivities in Art Education," Studies in Art Education 62, no 2 (2021), 130-141, DOI: 10.1080/00393541.2021.1896252

The Creative Underclass: Race, Youth, and the Gentrifying City (2019). Duke University Press. 

 “White Warnings.” Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, Whiteness and Art Education 36, no. 1 (2019), 108-124.

Denmead, T. “Tier Two Worker Remote Office: Resisting the Marketization of Higher Education.” Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 16, no. 1 (2019): 6–34.