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Science, Technology & Mathematics Education

An image of hot air baloons on a classroom wall while children watch on VR headsets

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education Research

Science, technology, and mathematics education continue to be a focus of public and governmental attention, both in the UK and many other countries. There are numerous initiatives to develop more young people’s skills in these subject areas, increase the representation of related skills in the workforce, and support economic growth.

The Faculty’s Science, Technology and Mathematics Education Research Group exists to provide both a critical evidence base and research-informed guidance that will maximise the impact of teaching and learning in these subjects. We aim to solve educational problems and inform both training and practice, so that more young people can thrive in these subjects, experience and enjoy the benefits that accompany a stronger understanding of them, and pursue related careers. This is in addition to our mission to contribute to scholarly debates and support theoretical advances in the fields of science, technology, and mathematics education.

Two sub-groups with interdisciplinary connections

Many policy initiatives often group these fields under a single heading: STEM. At a teaching and learning level as well as from a disciplinary perspective, however, it is widely accepted that different subject areas often raise distinctive issues and challenges. While our Research Group therefore provides strategic support for researchers across the Faculty working in these subject areas – and builds interdisciplinary connections with other departments in Cambridge and elsewhere – projects themselves are typically co-ordinated through two sub-groups: in Science and Technology Education Research, and Mathematics Education Research. More information about these sub-groups, and the projects they lead, can be found using the links on this page.