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CJE: Articles appearing in Volume 35 No.2

June 2005

General Issue
Editor: Nigel Norris

Nigel Norris

Identifying and responding to needs in education
Nel Noddings

Txting: the end of civilization (again)?
Victoria Carrington

Global Citizenship Education: mainstreaming the curriculum?
Tasneem Ibrahim

Gender and school choice: factors influencing parents when choosing independent single-sex or co-educational schools for their children
Carolyn Jackson and Moray Bisset

Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box
Eleanore Hargreaves

The Key Stage 3 Strategy: what kind of reform is this?
Gordon Stobart and Louise Stoll

School self-evaluation and the role of a critical friend
Sue Swaffield and John MacBeath

Changing their minds: the social dynamics of school leaders' learning
Jenny Reeves, Eileen Turner, Brian Morris and Christine Forde

Book Reviews

Cambridge Journal of Education

Cambridge Journal of Education cover