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Cambridge Journal of Education

Volume 38 Number 1 March 2008

Special Issue: Knowledge Transformation and Impact
Guest Editors: John Gardner and Andrew Pollard

Editorial: Knowledge transformation and impact
John Gardner and Andrew Pollard


Knowledge transformation and impact: aspirations and experiences from TLRP
Andrew Pollard

Towards the transformation of practice in early childhood education: the effective provision of pre-school education (EPPE) project
Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Brenda Taggart, Kathy Sylva, Pamela Sammons and Edward Melhuish

Research and evidence-informed practice: focusing on practice and practitioners
Philippa Cordingley

The many forms of research-informed practice: a framework for mapping diversity
Sandra Nutley, Tobias Jung and Isabel Walter

Reviewing national curriculum assessment in Wales: how can evidence inform the development of policy?
Richard Daugherty

Where there is smoke, there is (the potential for) fire: soft indicators of research and policy impact
John Gardner, Bryn Holmes and Ruth Leitch

Going round in circles: temporal discontinuity as a gross impediment to effective innovation in education and training
Tim Oates


'But all the wrong people are here...': the emerging policymaking mode and its challenge for academic policy research: a commentary
Conor Galvin

Knowledge transformation and impact: a commentary
Martin Ince

Book reviews

Cambridge Journal of Education

Cambridge Journal of Education cover