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Cambridge Journal of Education
Volume 42 Number 4 December 2012
School-based reproductive health and safety education for students aged 12–15 years in UNESCO’s (2009) International Technical Guidance
Juliette D.G. Goldman and Christine A. Collier-Harris
Gender, parental education, and ability: their interacting roles in predicting GCSE success
Judith Glaesser and Barry Cooper
Ideology, class and rationality: a critique of Cambridge International Examinations’ Thinking Skills curriculum
Leonel Lim
Qualifications, examinations and assessment: views and perspectives of students in the 14–19 phase on policy and practice
Jannette Elwood
Critical Communicative Methodology: including vulnerable voices in research through dialogue
Lídia Puigvert, Miranda Christou and John Holford
Exploring the characteristics of small groups within science and English secondary classrooms
Sarah MacQuarrie, Christine Howe and James Boyle
Thinking with Trickster: sporadic illuminations for educational research
Esther Priyadharshini
Book reviews