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Cambridge Journal of Education

Volume 47 Number 4 December 2017



Reframing ‘wellbeing’ in schools: the potential of recognition
Anne Graham, Mary Ann Powell, Nigel Thomas & Donnah Anderson

Education’s role in the economy: towards a new perspective
Tal Gilead

Developing interactive mathematical talk: investigating student perceptions and accounts of mathematical reasoning in a changing classroom context
Jodie Hunter

‘Why do they make us feel like we’re nothing? They are supposed to be teaching us to be something, to even surpass them!’: Student (dis)engagement, public schooling, and violent conflict in Lebanon
Lena Bahou

The influence of high-stakes testing on teacher self-efficacy and job-related stress
Michelle Peters, Alejandro Gonzalez & Bettye Grigsby

Is it inevitable? An inquiry into the lost hopes and aspirations of beginning teachers
Bruria Shayshon & Ariela Popper-Giveon

Conceptualizing food research in higher education as a matter of social justice: philosophical, methodological, and ethical considerations
Yasmine Dominguez-Whitehead

Being altruistically motivated: the postgraduate and career motivational orientations of access students at an Irish university
Elaine Keane

List of referees

Cambridge Journal of Education

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