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Cambridge Journal of Education
Volume 48 Number 5 October 2018
A review of five African board games: is there any educational potential? Rebecca Yvonne Bayeck
Culture, technology and local networks: towards a sociology of ‘making’ in education Carlo Perrotta, Chris Bailey & Claire Garside
Personalised reading for pleasure with digital libraries: towards a pedagogy of practice and design Natalia Kucirkova & Teresa Cremin
Agonistic democracy and passionate professional development in teacher-leaders L. Hammersley-Fletcher, M. Clarke & V. McManus
Compliance through care and commitment: why young people do as adults ask Gale Macleod, Ian Fyfe, Robbie Nicol, Pauline Sangster & Harriet Obeng
A just state of affairs: philosophical reflections on justice, inclusion and the education of disabled children Trish McMenamin
Veteran teachers’ identity: what does the research literature tell us? Carmen Carrillo & Maria Assunção Flores
When style meets pattern in mentoring talk: implications for student teacher community learning environments in practice teaching Mirit Rachamim & Lily Orland-Barak