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Cambridge Journal of Education

Volume 51 Number 3 June 2021



Systemic threats to the growth mindset: classroom experiences of agency among children designated as ‘lower-attaining’
Eleanore Hargreaves, Laura Quick & Denise Buchanan

A systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative research into teachers’ authenticity
Urszula Plust, David Murphy & Stephen Joseph

Refining the teacher emotion model: evidence from a review of literature published between 1985 and 2019
Junjun Chen

Is race still relevant? Student perceptions and experiences of racism in higher education
Billy Wong, Reham Elmorally, Meggie Copsey-Blake, Ellie Highwood & Joy Singarayer

How do you promote ‘British Values’ when values education is your profession? Policy enactment of FBV amongst teachers of RE, Citizenship and PSHE in England
Jane McDonnell

Liminality and the beginning teacher: strangers, frauds and dancing in the disequilibrium
Christopher T. McCaw

Cambridge Journal of Education

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