Dialogic Teaching in Science Classrooms
A project funded by the ESRC
The Dialogic Teaching is Science Classrooms Project is a 2 year project exploring how talk with a teacher can help students to develop their understanding of science and take a scientific perspective on the natural world. Teachers in 8 schools in both Milton Keynes and Leeds work with researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University of Leeds to identify and evaluate the kinds of teaching strategies which encourage and maintain dialogues with students. The project started in March 2005 and will run until April 2007.
Project Directors:
Prof. Neil Mercer
Professor of Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Prof. Phil Scott
Professor of Science Education, School of Education, University of Leeds
Research Officers:
Ms. Judith Kleine Staarman
Senior Research Associate, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Mr. Jaume Ametller
Research Officer, School of Education, University of Leeds
Research Associate:
Dr. Lyn Dawes