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Student Life


Cambridge is great for student life; being part of the University gives you the opportunity to get involved in a huge number of activities at any level. For example, students can get involved in societies (e.g. drama, music, religion/faith,), sport (for fun, fitness or serious competition), politics (including the Union Society), media (e.g. the student newspapers and radio station) and the Cambridge University Students’ Union (CUSU).

Every member of the University is a member of a College. Your College is your base for the time you’re at Cambridge. It’s where you live, eat, do a lot of socialising, and receive additional academic and pastoral support.

The 29 Undergraduate Colleges provide accommodation for most students for at least three years. This is a real advantage because it means you don’t have to worry about finding private accommodation after your first year. Other advantages include shorter accommodation contracts (so you don’t have to pay rent during the vacations unless you choose to stay in Cambridge) and distance to the city centre (most College accommodation is close to the city centre and within walking or cycling distance of the Faculty).

Cambridge itself is a beautiful city; it has the welcoming feel of a small town with the variety and energy of a larger city. However you like to spend your time, there’s always something to keep you entertained, whether that be through music, pubs, clubs, restaurants, shopping or travelling to nearby places (London is just 50 minutes away by train).