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Articles appearing in Volume 41 Number 2 June 2011


The place of the journal article in presenting research
Terry Haydn


Catching up with Harvard: results from regression analysis of World Universities League Table
Mei Li, Sriram Shankar and Kam Ki Tang

A Decade of Education Reform in Thailand: Broken Promise or Impossible Dream?
Philip Hallinger and Moosung Lee

Embracing diversity in the history curriculum: a study of the challenges facing trainee teachers
Richard Harris and Gill Clarke

Full service and extended schools, disadvantage, and social justice
Alan Dyson

‘Lessons from a really useful engine’™: using Thomas the Tank Engine™ to examine the relationship between play as a leading activity, imagination and reality in children's contemporary play worlds
Susan Edwards

Reflections on learning: widening capability and the student experience
Dean Garratt

Book reviews

Cambridge Journal of Education

Cambridge Journal of Education cover