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Cambridge Journal of Education

Volume 52 Number 1 February 2022



The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership in school leaders: a systematic review
Raquel Gómez-Leal, Allison A. Holzer, Christina Bradley, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal & Janet Patti

But who are all these journal articles for? Writing, reading, and our unhandsome condition
Áine Mahon & Seán Henry

Different fiction genres take children’s memories different places
Anezka Kuzmicova & Teresa Cremin

Conceptions of assessment emerging in pre-service teachers’ narratives of failure
Sonja Lutovac & Maria Assunção Flores

Democracy in schools: qualitative analysis of pupils’ experiences of democracy in the context of the Norwegian school
Åse Haraldstad

A phenomenographic study of prospective teachers’ conceptions of curriculum leadership
Sally Wai-Yan Wan

Theoretical contributions to school effectiveness research: towards a dilemmatic approach
Ariel Sarid

Cambridge Journal of Education

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