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Postgraduate: Funding

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Funding for Postgraduates

The Faculty of Education does not operate any funding schemes of its own. However, a variety of centrally administered funding opportunities exist for graduate students. It is important for potential applicants to understand that the competition for full grants is intense.  

How to apply for funding

For comprehensive information please read funding pages of the Postgraduate Admissions

Use this search tool to search for which competitions you are eligible for.

ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership

The Faculty is pleased to participate in a new ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership at the University of Cambridge. A range of studentships are available across the social sciences at Cambridge.

If you are interested in how society works and how it can handle global challenges, a DTP studentship will give you a world-class training programme, with access to leading international scholars both at Cambridge and other DTPs, and a wide community of fellow social scientists.

Find out more about ESRC DTP studentships.

The Faculty is pleased to say that, in general, education students are successful in most of the funding competitions, and, in a typical year, will host students who have been awarded funding from all of the major funding bodies such as the UK Research Councils (ESRC and AHRC), Gates Cambridge, Cambridge Trust and Cambridge Assessment.

Funding for PGCE Religious Education Trainees

Funding has also recently become available for PGCE RE trainees wishing to proceed to the Masters with us. The awarding body is Culham St Gabriels together with NATRE (National Association for Teachers of RE). The same body also funds bursaries for initial teacher education in RE.

Further information on funding for PGCE RE from Culham St Gabriels