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Cambridge Forum for Children's Emotional Well-being

The Cambridge Forum for Children's Emotional Well-being is based at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education. Find out more about our counselling courses.


  • To promote and extend the practice and development of psychotherapeutic counsellors in the region
  • To offer a vibrant programme of courses and conferences which provide for the continuing professional development of psychotherapeutic counsellors
  • To maintain the professional standards of psychotherapeutic counselling


  • To promote and extend the practice and development of psychotherapeutic counselling and to enhance children's emotional well-being
  • To promote high standards of training in psychotherapeutic counselling
  • To promote high standards of practice in therapeutic work with children and young people
  • To promote research and knowledge in the theory and practice of children's emotional well-being

Upcoming events

In 2024/25 we have two in person Forums and one online. We will not be running hybrid sessions. The theme of the Forums this year is working in an embodied way to deepen our practice.

Our Online Forum will be on Thursday 27 February 2025 18.30 to 20.30. Dafna Lender will be presenting on Embodied Play Practices for Healing Attachment Trauma.

Dafna is a Theraplay practitioner, trainer and supervisor who works alongside Peter Levine to present online training about Embodied Play Practices. In this Forum Dafna will introduce us to the fine detail of working with rhythm, touch, prosody, touch, movement, nurture and play to address the difficulties our clients bring due to distortions to attachment experiences. This session will relate to both work with children and adults and will support psychotherapeutic practitioners and educators to find ways to connect to those they are working with to set firm foundations for flourishing.

---------- You can book your place at this event here. ----------

On 7th June 2025 Charlotte Davies will present her insights on motor-sensory integration as a foundation for therapists and educators developing a way of working together to support children who are struggling to access learning. This will be an in person session at the Faculty.

Do put these dates in your diary. Booking information will follow in due course.

Please follow this link for information on past Forum events. 

Please contact Kat at if you have any questions, or if you would like to be added to the email list to receive information about upcoming Forum events.