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Application Procedure

Male and female students in Library

How to apply for the PPD Programme

To apply for the PPD programme please use the PPD application portal. You will be asked to submit a scan of your current passport, or alternative document showing your identity and nationality and other required supporting documentation. If you have any questions or difficulties with the application process, please email  

Overseas applications and Visa

The University provides visa sponsorship for some of our PPD courses. To check eligibility and for further details please see our visa page.

Application Deadlines

Taught courses have individual application deadlines so please refer to the course specific sites for further details of these. Partial applications submitted on the deadline will not be accepted. It is in your interests to apply well in advance of the deadline.


Some taught courses will require an interview. This will usually be conducted by either the course coordinator or the member of teaching staff.  

Admissions Policy

Please find our Admissions policy, including general entry requirements, applying with special requirements, appeals and complaints.

Please note that as a PPD student you will be a member of the Faculty of Education with access to all Faculty services. Successful completion of our PPD programme entitles students to a University of Cambridge award. Students will not have College membership during the course of PPD programme  and as a result access to some central University facilities may be restricted.

Data Protection

In accordance with the University of Cambridge information compliance policy, the University and/or where relevant, the Colleges, will use the details you provide on your application form, together with additional details provided by any referee and recorded following any interview process.