Cambridge Bilingual Groups
Cambridge Bilingual Groups was set up as an umbrella and support organisation. It is run by three parents of bilingual children with experience in the administration of supplementary schools as well as backgrounds in linguistics, teaching and charity and social enterprise management.
Cambridge is home to 1,000 international families that use two or more languages. However, as their children grow, many parents find that it is difficult to convey their language and culture on their own. This is why Cambridge nourishes a rich environment of more than 30 supplementary schools and groups for bilingual children and their families.
These groups and supplementary schools take a number of shapes, from volunteers organised in an unregistered charity to semi-professional charities, community interest companies and regular companies. Despite these organisational variations they share many challenges such as teacher recruitment and training, lack of adequate teaching resources, finding an insurance company, advertising or organisation of their managing boards/group structures.
To help with this, Cambridge Bilingual Groups organises
- Termly training for teachers and managers
- Termly networking meetings for managers
- 1:1 support for starting and existing groups
- Networking with other local and national organisations and bodies
and enhances the public profile of our member groups.