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Konstantina Maragkou


Senior Research Associate

Fellow at ADR UK

Associate at Hughes Hall

E-mail Address


  • PhD in Economics, University of Sheffield
  • Msc in Applied Economics and Data Analysis, University of Essex
  • Bsc in Economics, University of Essex

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)

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Konstantina is an applied economist specialising in quantitative methods and quasi-experimental research designs. Her research addresses timely topics in education particularly looking at the post-16 education trajectories of young people and inequalities in participation and attainment, and the drivers of it - including socio-economic background, family composition, personality traits, school factors and information advice and guidance. She is also interested in the evaluation of programmes and interventions that aim to improve access to and outcomes from further and higher education.

Konstantina is an Administrative Data Research (ADR) UK Research Fellow funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). She uses the newly available Grading and Admissions Data for England (GRADE) to generate better understanding on the impact of teacher-predicted grades for university admissions and the pandemic-driven assessment policies on student educational outcomes. 

Twitter: @K_Maragkou

Curriculum Vitae (updated: February 2024)

Academic Area/Links

Research Topics

  • Economics of education
  • Labour economics
  • Applied microeconometrics

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Leckie G. and Maragkou K, 2023. Student socio-demographic and school type differences in teacher predicted grades vs. achieved grades for university admission, Working Paper: Bristol Working Papers in Education No. 04/2023

Ilie, S., Maragkou, K., Brown, A. and Kozman, E., 2022. No Budge for any Nudge: Information Provision and Higher Education Application Outcomes. Education Sciences, 12(10), p.701.

Agasisti, T. and Maragkou, K., 2022. Socio-economic gaps in educational aspirations: do experiences and attitudes matter?. Education Economics, pp.1-17.

McGuinness, S., Redmond, P., Kelly, S., and Maragkou, K., 2022. Predicting the probability of long-term unemployment and recalibrating Ireland’s statistical profiling model, ESRI Research Series (No. 149)

Redmond, P., Maître, B., McGuinness, S. and Maragkou, K., 2021. A comparative assessment of minimum wage employment in Europe (No. 123). ESRI Research Series.

Maragkou, K., 2020. Socio-economic inequality and academic match among post-compulsory education participants, Economics of Education Review, 79, p.102060

Dickerson, A., Maragkou, K. and McIntosh, S., 2018. The causal effect of secondary school peers on educational aspirations, CVER Discussion Papers 017.

Current Research Projects

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Departmental roles

  • Departmental Research Committee Researchers Representative


  • Undergraduate supervision
    • Statistics and Methods (SOC5) - Quantitative
    • Designing Educational Research (DER) - Quantitative

Konstantina Maragkou

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