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- Publications and Outputs: Book Chapters
Book chapters published
- Bridges, D. Orchard, J. & Oancea, A. (2016) ‘On the necessity for philosophical work in teacher education research’. In Peters, M., Cowie, B. & Menter, I. (eds.), A Companion to research in teacher education. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Bridges, D., Kurakbayev, K. and Kambatyrova, A. (2014) ‘Interpreting the International and Intra-national ‘Translation’ of Educational Policy and Practice: A case of opportunism, serendipity and bricolage’. In Smeyers, P., Bridges, D., Burbules, N. & Griffiths M. eds, International handbook on the role of interpretation in educational research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Bridges, D., Fimyar, O., & Yakavets, N. (2014). ‘Educational reform in Kazakhstan: The contemporary policy agenda’. In Bridges, D. (ed.) Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fimyar, O., Saniyazova, A. & Mun, O. (2017). ‘Methodology of Collaborative Research: Searching for a Synergy in the Study of Student Transition in Kazakhstan’. In SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications.
- Fimyar, O. (2014). ‘Five Conversations and Three Notes on the ‘Soviet’, or Finding a Place for Personal History in the Study of Teacher Education Policy in Kazakhstan’. In Smeyers, P., Bridges, D., Burbules, N. & Griffiths M. (eds.), International handbook of interpretation in educational research. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Fimyar, O. (2014a). ‘‘Soviet’, ‘Kazakh’ and ‘world-class’ in the contemporary construction of educational understanding and practice in Kazakhstan’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Fimyar, O. (2014b). ‘Translating ‘Excellence’ into three languages, or how Kazakhstani teachers ‘change’’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Frost, D., Fimyar, O., Yakavets N., and Bilyalov, D. (2014). ‘The role of school directors in educational reform in Kazakhstan’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational reform and internationalisation: the case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- McLaughlin, C. (2017). ‘Researching practice as education and reform.’ In M. Peters, B. Cowie & I. Menter (eds.), A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Springer
- McLaughlin, C., McLellan, R. and Fordham, M. (2014). ‘The role of teachers in educational reform in Kazakhstan: Teacher enquiry as a vehicle for change’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational reform and internationalisation: the case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- McLaughlin, C., McLellan, R., Fordham, M., Chandler-Grevett, A. & Daubney, A. (2014). ‘The Role of Teachers in Educational Reform in Kazakhstan: Teacher Enquiry as a Vehicle for Change’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Rouse, M., Yakavets, N. & Kulakhmetova, A. (2014). ‘Towards inclusive education: swimming against the tide of educational reform?’ In Bridges, D (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ruby, A. & McLaughlin, C. (2014). ‘Transferability and the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools: Exploring models of practice transfer’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Turner, F., Wilson, E., Ispussinova, S., Kassymbekov, Y., Sharimova, A., Balgynbayeva, B. & Brownhill, S. (2014). ‘Centres of Excellence: Systemwide Transformation of Teaching Practice’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Winter, L., Rimini, C., Soltanbekova, A. & Tynybayva, M. (2014a). ‘The Culture and Practice of Assessment in Kazakhstan: The Unified National Test, Past and Present’ In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. (pp. 106-132), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- Winter, L. Rimini, C., Soltanbekova, A. & Tynybayva, M. (2014b). ‘The Culture and Practice of Assessment in Kazakhstan: An Alternative Model and the Future’, in In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan (pp. 133-151), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- Yakavets, N. & Dzhadrina, M. (2014). ‘Educational reforms in Kazakhstan: ‘Entering the world arena’’. In Bridges, D. (ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
- Yakavets, N. (2014). Educational reform in Kazakhstan: the first decade of independence, in D. Bridges (Ed.), Educational Reform and Internationalisation: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp.1-27.