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Ghana Project - Looking Ahead

LfL has been found to be highly applicable to the Ghanaian context and a powerful catalyst for change. LfL is established in many Basic schools and knowledge and enthusiasm have taken root such that long-term sustainability is possible.

Ghana ClassThe research team continues to analyse evidence to address the aims of the project and to establish areas for future research. One area currently being explored is the use of SMS (text messaging) to support the scaling of LfL as national policy. The potential effectiveness of using SMS was established during a trial study. It is believed such technology would help to improve programme fidelity whilst enabling communities of learning that will provide technical and moral support to headteachers practicing LfL.

In January 2014, the Cambridge team led a two-day research capacity building workshop at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana. The participatory monitoring and evaluation approach known as 'Most Significant Change' (MSC) was introduced to the thirteen participants, who went on to use the technique in partnership with a number of LfL schools in the field. A second two-day workshop took place in June 2014. This enabled the process to be reviewed and for a reflection on using MSC. The planning of expansion/extension activities is currently being discussed in collaboration with Ghanaian partners. The LfL MSC Ghana project was funded by the Cambridge-Africa Alborada Research Fund, with matched support from the Commonwealth Centre for Education (CCE).

LfL - the Cambridge Network