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Leadership for Learning is a distinct form of educational practice that involves an explicit dialogue, maintaining a focus on learning, attending to the conditions that favour learning, and leadership that is both shared and accountable. Learning and leadership are conceived of as 'activities' linked by the centrality of human agency within a framework of moral purpose.

MacBeath, J. and Dempster, N. (eds) (2008) Connecting Leadership and Learning: Principles for Practice, London: Routledge.

LfL consciously maintains an outward looking orientation, directing attention to the activity of leadership in a variety of locations and in many differing guises. This leads us to work closely not just with schools and teachers but also with policy-makers and academics both in the UK and around the world.

Our focus on teacher leadership can be explored through our work with HertsCam and the International Teacher Leadership initiative and also with headteachers in Ghana through our REAL centre.

We continue to coordinate and host the international seminar series on teachers’ professional growth with colleagues from the Open Society Foundations (OSF), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Education International (EI), whilst also developing our relationship with Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) by building and supporting a network of schools focused on leadership and school improvement.

Leadership for Learning's values and principles are very similar to those of the Co-operative movement, leading us to research leadership in Co-operative schools.

LfL - the Cambridge Network