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Sara Hennessy


Professor of Educational Dialogue and Pedagogical Inquiry

Research Director, EdTech Hub

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+44 (0)1223 767657


BSc (Social Psychology, LSE), MA (Cantab), PhD (Psychology, UCL)

Membership of Professional Bodies/Associations

  • American Educational Research Association.
  • British Educational Research Association.
  • European Association for Research into Learning and Instruction.

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Sara Hennessy is a Professor of Educational Dialogue and Pedagogical Inquiry in the Faculty where she teaches and supervises on Masters and doctoral courses. She is also a Fellow of Hughes Hall (college). PLEASE NOTE THAT SHE IS NOT ACCEPTING ANY APPLICATIONS FOR DOCTORAL SUPERVISION AFTER 2024 ENTRY. FURTHER APPROACHES FOR DOCTORAL STUDY CANNOT BE ACKNOWLEDGED, SORRY!

Sara's research is executed across high- and low-income country contexts and has 3 main strands:

(a) Analysing classroom dialogue, across subject areas and in contexts with and without technology.

(b) Pedagogy related to educational uses of digital technology, from a sociocultural perspective. 

(c) Teacher professional development and inquiry, creating supporting interactive multimedia resources, and assessing the impact.

Sara is a founding member and leads the Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research (CEDiR) Group. CEDiR aims to reach across academic disciplines, subject areas, age groups and formal and informal educational contexts to develop the potential of dialogue and its impact on theory, policy and practice.  

Sara is one of the Research Directors of the £30m+ FCDO-funded EdTech Hub. She collaborates with colleagues overseas on research using technology to foster interactive teaching and inquiry-based, collaborative learning in schools and in-service teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa – Tanzania at present and Zambia and South Africa previously. Sara is an affiliate member of the Faculty's Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre. She has also used digital video to document, analyse and develop UK teachers' strategies for mediating the use of technology to support subject teaching and learning.

Sara is Deputy Director of Camtree, a programme to create a global platform for publishing, sharing and supporting practitioner research, based at Hughes Hall; Camtree hosts the extensive T-SEDA resources and related multimedia courses for practitioner inquiry into educational dialogue. She previously held an ESRC Research Fellowship focused on teacher development through collaborative research between practitioners and academics. She has served on BERA Council and chaired the 2018 BERA Ethical Guidelines review group.

Editorial responsibilities

Editorial Board, International Journal of Science Education. 

Editor, British Journal of Educational Technology (2016-24).

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Research Topics

  • Pedagogical strategies for using digital technologies in the classroom, including mobile devices and interactive display screens; particular interests are the role of technology in supporting classroom dialogue and analysing multimedia dialogue.
  • Systematic analysis of classroom dialogue in whole class and peer group settings, across subjects and school phases, with and without technology use; one project developed the Cam-UNAM SEDA (Scheme for Educational Dialogue Analysis) and applied it to practice in Mexico and England.
  • Teacher development and inquiry in the use of dialogic approaches (with and without technology); impact of a research-informed version of the SEDA for teachers' own inquiry and development (T-SEDA) has been trialled across countries and is now encapsulated in multimedia courses and resources hosted on Camtree.
  • Equitable and effective uses of educational technology in low-income countries: see the EdTech Hub programme
  • Supporting professional learning of teachers in sub-Saharan Africa and other low-resourced contexts in the areas of interactive teaching and collaborative learning. See EdTech Hub project The Impact of a Tech-Supported, School-Based TPD Model on Learning Outcomes in Tanzania
  • Practitioner-university researcher partnerships and collaborative theory building

Previous topics have included:

Prospective Postgraduate Applications


Visiting Scholars and Students

I regret that I cannot accept or reply to approaches from potential Visiting Students, or from potential Visiting Scholars that are not already known to my research groups (CEDiR and EdTech Hub).

Research Projects

Camtree, the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange, based at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, is the world’s first global platform for educational  practitioner-researchers worldwide to share and learn from their inquiries and offer/gain peer support.

The EdTech Hub - a £30m+ programme investigating how effective, culturally appropriate uses of EdTech do – and do not – help to accelerate, spread and scale system-level interventions that lead to better learning outcomes for children in low-income countries. (FCDO 2019-25). The Impact of a Tech-Supported, School-Based TPD Model on Learning Outcomes in Tanzania.

Toolkit for Systematic Educational Dialogue Analysis (T-SEDA) (ESRC Impact Acceleration 2018-. With Ruth Kershner).

Previous projects:

Classroom dialogue: does it really make a difference to learning?                                                                      (ESRC, 2015-2017. With Christine Howe & Neil Mercer.)

A Tool for Analysing Dialogic Interactions in Classrooms.
(British Academy, 2013-2015. With Sylvia Rojas-Drummond, Neil Mercer & Paul Warwick.)

OER4Schools: Introducing digital Open Educational Resources into Zambian primary schools through school-based professional development
(Commonwealth Education Trust, 2009-2014. With Bjoern Hassler.) Click here to access the OER4schools professional learning resource.

Using a CPD workshop programme to impact on the quality of classroom dialogue supported by the IWB
(ESRC Impact Acceleration, 2014. With Paul Warwick & Tatjana Dragovic.)

Bridging practice and research into teaching and learning with technology. (ESRC Research Fellowship RES-063-27-0081, 2007-2010)

This programme of work synthesised and disseminated the 'T-MEDIA' project and prior research. It aimed to consolidate and develop a distinctive line of empirical enquiry and theorising about the critical role of the secondary teacher in purposefully exploiting interactive whiteboards to support subject learning. The Fellowship activities included

Open Resource Bank for Interactive Teaching in mathematics and science (ORBIT).
(JISC, 2012. With Bjoern Hassler)

Teacher mediation of subject learning with ICT: A multimedia approach (T-MEDIA).
(ESRC, 2005-2007. With Rosemary Deaney).

Eliciting situated expertise in ICT-integrated mathematics and science teaching (SET-IT).
(ESRC, 2002-2004. With Kenneth Ruthven and Rosemary Deaney).

Sustainability and Evolution of ICT-supported Classroom Practice.
(British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, 2003-2004. With Rosemary Deaney).

Developing warranted practice in using information and communication technologies to support subject teaching and learning in the secondary school.
(Wallenberg Research Centre for Educational Improvement, 1999-2002. With Kenneth Ruthven, Rosemary Deaney and Sue Brindley).

Portable Information Technologies for supporting Graphical Mathematics Investigations (PIGMI) project (Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, 1996-1999. With Eileen Scanlon and Pat Fung).

Problem Solving in Design and Technology Education (ESRC, 1992-1996, with Robert McCormick and Patricia Murphy).

Conceptual Change in Science (ESRC InTER project, 1989-1991, coordinated by Eileen Scanlon and Ros Driver).

An Intelligent Arithmetic Tutor (Alvey/SERC, 1986-1989, coordinated by Tim O'Shea and Ann Floyd).

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Sara supervises a number of PhD and EdD students and has examined doctoral theses internally and externally. She teaches sessions on a number of Masters routes: Research Methods Strand, Transforming Practice, Education, Globalisation and International Development, Primary Education, Mathematics Education, Knowledge, Power and Politics. Previously Sara led the Practitioner Professional Development module 'Educational Dialogue', was overall coordinator of the Research Methods Strand of the Faculty's thematic MEd courses, and taught on the EdD and a blended learning Science MEd course. 

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Selected Publications

Knight, S., Viberg, O., Mavrikis, M., Kovanović, V., Khosravi, H., Ferguson, R., Corrin, L., Thompson, K., Major, L., Lodge, J., Hennessy, S. & Cukurova, M. (2024). Emerging technologies and research ethics: Developing editorial policy using a scoping review and reference panel. PLOS ONE.

Hennessy, S. (2024). Analysing educational dialogue around shared artefacts in technology-mediated contexts: A new coding framework. Classroom Discourse Supplemental coding scheme files:

Hennessy, S., Kershner, R., Ahmed, F., Calcagni, E., Trigo Clapés, A.L., & Edwards-Groves, C. (in press). Knowledge mobilisation through practitioner-led inquiry: A dialogic perspective. In D. Wyse, V. Baumfield, N. Mockler & M. Reardon (Eds.), The BERA-SAGE Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy.

Amodia-Bidakowska, A., Hennessy, S. & Warwick, P. (2023). Disciplinary dialogues: Exploring the association between classroom dialogue and learning outcomes within and between subjects in English primary schools. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 43.

Calcagni, E., Ahmed, F., Trigo Clapés, A.L., Kershner, R., & Hennessy, S. (2023, in press). Developing dialogic classroom practices through supporting professional agency: Teachers’ experiences of using the T-SEDA practitioner-led inquiry approach. Teaching and Teacher Education.

Hennessy, S., D’Angelo, S., McIntyre, N., Koomar, S., Kreimeia, A., Cao, L., Brugha, M. & Zubairi, A. (2022). Technology use for teacher professional development in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Computers and Education Open 3. (open access)

Koomar, S., Hennessy, S., Zubairi, A., Kindoli, R. & Kreimeia, A. (2022). Reflections on technology, teaching, learning, and professional development: Findings from a teacher survey in Tanzania. African Educational Research Journal, 10 (4), 342-368.

Brugha, M. & Hennessy, S. (2022). Educators as Creators: Lessons from a mechanical MOOC on educational dialogue for local facilitators. Irish Educational Studies 41(1), 225-243. (open access)

Walker, H., Hennessy, S. & Pimmer, C. (2022). Trialling open educational resources for technology-supported teacher professional development in rural Zimbabwe. Research Papers in Education 38 (4), 568-592. (open access)

Hennessy, S., D’Angelo, S., McIntyre, N., Koomar, S., Kreimeia, A., Cao, L., Brugha, M. & Zubairi, A. (2021). Technology, teacher professional development and low- and middle-income countries: Technical report on systematic mapping review. EdTech Hub Technical Report. 

Pota, V., Hennessy, S., Koomar, S., Kreimeia, A., Zubairi, A., Aerts, C., & Gault, C. (2021). Turning to technology: A global survey of teachers’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. T4 Education and EdTech Hub report. 

Ahmed, A., Howe, C., Major, L., Hennessy, S., Mercer, N. and Warwick, P. (2021). Developing a test of reasoning for preadolescents. International Journal of Research and Method in Education 45(5), 466-478.

Hennessy, S., D’Angelo, S., McIntyre, N., Koomar, S., Kreimeia, A., Cao, L., Brugha, M. & Zubairi, A. (2021). Technology, teacher professional development and low- and middle-income countries: Technical report on systematic mapping review. EdTech Hub Technical Report. 

Hennessy, S., Kershner, R., Calcagni, E. & Ahmed, F. (2021). Supporting practitioner-led inquiry into classroom dialogue with a research-informed professional learning resource: A design-based approach. Review of Education. (open access)

Hennessy, S., Calcagni, E., Leung, A., & Mercer, N. M. (2021). An analysis of the forms of teacher-student dialogue that are most productive for learning. Language & Education. (open access)

Watson, J., Hennessy, S. and Vignoles, A. (2021). The relationship between educational television and mathematics capability in Tanzania. British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (2), 638-658. (open access)

Mama Timotheou, M. & Hennessy, S. (2021). Understanding technology integration into the classroom as a systemic and socially situated initiative. International Journal on E-Learning 20(1), 59-81.

Haßler, B., Hennessy, S., & Hofmann, R., with Makonga, A. (2020). OER4Schools: Outcomes of a sustained professional development intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Frontiers in Education 5:146. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.00146. (open access)

Kershner, R., Hennessy, S., Wegerif, R., and Ahmed, A. (2020). Research Methods for Educational Dialogue. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Hennessy, S. (2020). Analytical coding schemes for classroom dialogue. In R. Kershner, S. Hennessy, R. Wegerif & A. Ahmed (Eds.), Research Methods for Educational Dialogue (Chapter 6), pp. 90-120. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Hennessy, S. (2020). Methods for researching technology-mediated dialogue. In R. Kershner, S. Hennessy, R. Wegerif & A. Ahmed (Eds.), Research Methods for Educational Dialogue (Chapter 7), pp. 135-172. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Kershner, R., Hennessy, S., Dowdall, K., Owen, H. & Calcagni, M.E. (2020). Teachers as ‘natural experimenters’: Using T-SEDA to develop classroom dialogue. In Rolls, L. & Hargreaves, E. (Eds.) Reimagining Professional Development in Schools (Chapter 8), pp.102-122. Routledge.

Howe, C., Hennessy, S., Mercer, N. Vrikki, M. & Wheatley, L. (2019). Teacher-student dialogue during classroom teaching: Does it really impact upon student outcomes? Journal for the Learning Sciences, 28(4-5), 462-512. Accepted version.

Vrikki, M., Wheatley, L., Howe, C., Hennessy, S., & Mercer, N. (2019). Dialogic practices in primary school classrooms. Language and Education 33(1), 85-100.

Vrikki, M., Kershner, R., Calcagni, E., Hennessy, S., Lee, L., Estrada, N., Hernández, F., and Ahmed, F. (2018). The teacher scheme for educational dialogue analysis (T-SEDA): Developing a research-based observation tool for supporting teacher inquiry into pupils' participation in classroom dialogue. International Journal of Research and Methods in Education, 42(2), 85-203. Retrieved from doi:10.1080/1743727X.2018.1467890

Haßler, B., Hennessy, S., & Hofmann, R. (2018). Sustaining and scaling pedagogic innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Grounded insights for teacher professional development. Journal of Learning for Development - JL4D, 5(1). (open access)

Mercer, N., Hennessy, S. and Warwick, P. (2017). Dialogue, Thinking Together and digital technology in the classroom: Implications of a continuing line of inquiry for developing dialogic teaching practices. Invited paper for Special Section of International Journal of Educational Research on the role of teacher practice in promoting academically productive dialogue in the classroom. (open access)

Hennessy, S., Dragovic, T. and Warwick, P. (2017). A research-informed, school-based professional development workshop programme to promote dialogic teaching with interactive technologies. Professional Development in Education, 44 (2), 145-168. (open access)

Hennessy, S., Rojas-Drummond, S., Higham, R., Torreblanca, O., Barrera, M.J., Marquez, A.M., García Carrión, R., Maine, F., Ríos, R.M. (2016). Developing an analytic coding scheme for classroom dialogue across educational contexts. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 9, 16-44. (open access)

Haßler, B., Major, L., Warwick, P., Watson, S., Hennessy, S., Nicholl, B. (2016). Perspectives on Technology, Resources and Learning: Productive Classroom Practices, Effective Teacher Professional Development. Report commissioned by ARM. (open access)

Hennessy, S., Haßler, B., & Hofmann, R. (2015). Challenges and opportunities for teacher professional development in interactive use of technology in African schools. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 24(5). Invited paper for Special Section on “Capacity Building for 21st Century Learning in Africa: A Focus on ICT Integration in Education” edited by J. Tondeur & J. Voogt.

Haßler, B., Major, L., & Hennessy, S. (2015). Tablet use in schools: A critical review of the evidence for learning outcomes. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning 32 (2), 139-156. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12123

Hennessy, S., Haßler, B., & Hofmann, R. (2015). Pedagogic change by Zambian primary school teachers participating in the OERS4Schools professional development programme for one year. Research Papers in Education 31 (4).

Hennessy, S. (2015). Interactive whiteboards in the science classroom. In D. Gunstone (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Science Education (Technology-Enhanced Learning section). New York: Springer.

Hennessy, S.
(2014). Bridging between research and practice: Supporting professional development through collaborative studies of classroom teaching with technology. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. You can preview the first two chapters of the book or purchase it via this order form.

Hennessy, S., Warwick, P., Brown, L., Rawlins, D., & Neale, C. (Eds.). (2014) Developing interactive teaching and learning using the IWB: A resource for teachers. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. An outline of the contents is available here; see also the free online resources. To purchase the book, use this order form.

Hennessy, S. (2014). Using the interactive whiteboard to support dialogue in the whole class context. In N. Pachler & M. Leask (eds.), Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School. Routledge.

Haßler, B., Hennessy, S., Knight, S., Connolly, T. (2014). Developing an Open Resource Bank for Interactive Teaching of STEM: Perspectives of school teachers and teacher educators. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. Available at:

Hennessy, S. & London, L. (2013). Learning from international experiences with interactive whiteboards: The role of professional development in technology integration of in classroom teaching. In Review of the Italian Strategy for Digital Schools (report for the Ministry of Education). Paris: OECD Publishing.

Mama, M. & Hennessy, S. (2013). Developing a typology of teacher beliefs and practices concerning classroom use of ICT. Computers & Education, 68 (October), pp. 380-387. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2013.05.022. 

Hennessy, S., Haßler, B., and Mwewa, G. (2012). Using digital technology and school-based professional development to leverage interactive classroom teaching in Zambia. In J. MacBeath and M. Younger (Eds.), Millennium Goals Revisited: A Common Wealth of Learning. London: Routledge.

Hennessy, S. (2011). The role of digital artefacts on the interactive whiteboard in mediating dialogic teaching and learning. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 27 (6), 463-586, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00416x.

Hennessy, S., Warwick, P., and Mercer, N. (2011). A dialogic inquiry approach to working with teachers in developing classroom dialogue. Teachers College Record, 113(9), 1906-1959. 

Warwick, P., Hennessy, S. and Mercer, N. (2011). Promoting teaching and school development through co-enquiry: Developing interactive whiteboard use in a 'dialogic classroom'. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 303-324.

Deaney, R. and Hennessy, S. (2011) "A case study of using multiple resources to teach straight line graphs." In A. Oldknow and C. Knights (Eds.), Enhancing Mathematics with Digital Technologies, Chapter 3: Key pedagogical issues in embedding ICT in teaching and learning mathematics. Continuum International.

Hennessy, S. and Warwick, P. (2010). Editorial: Research into teaching with whole-class interactive technologies. Technology, Pedagogy and Education (themed issue on interactive whole class technologies) 19(2), 127-131.

Mama, M. and Hennessy, S. (2010). Level of technology integration by primary teachers in Cyprus and student engagement. Technology, Pedagogy and Education (themed issue on interactive whole class technologies) 19(2), 269-275.

Mercer, N., Hennessy, S. and Warwick, P. (2010).  Using interactive whiteboards to orchestrate classroom dialogue. Technology, Pedagogy and Education (themed issue on interactive whole class technologies) 19(2), 195-209.

Hennessy, S. and Deaney, R. with Tooley, C. (2010). "Using the interactive whiteboard to stimulate active learning in school science." In M. Thomas and E. Cutrim-Schmid (Eds.), Interactive Whiteboards: Theory, Research and Practice, 102-117. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global.

Hennessy, S., Harrison, D. and Wamakote, L. (2010). Teacher factors influencing classroom use of ICT in sub-Saharan Africa. Itupale Online Journal of African Studies (Education in Africa: Developments in the 21st century), (2) 39-54.

Hennessy, S. and Deaney, R. (2009). The impact of collaborative video analysis by practitioners and researchers upon pedagogical thinking and practice: A follow-up study.
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 15 (5), 617-638.

Hennessy, S. and Deaney, R. (2009). 'Intermediate theory' building: Integrating multiple teacher and researcher perspectives through in-depth video analysis of pedagogic strategies. Teachers College Record, 111 (7), 1753-1795.

Bowker, A., Hennessy, S., Dawes, M., and Deaney, R. (2009). Supporting professional development for ICT use in mathematics using the T-MEDIA multimedia resource. In Joubert, M. (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 29(1), 19-24.

Hennessy, S., Mercer, N., and Warwick, P. (2008). Exploiting interactive digital technology to enhance dialogic classroom interaction. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York.

Ruthven, K., Hennessy, S., and Deaney, R. (2008). Constructions of dynamic geometry: A study of the interpretative flexibility of educational software in classroom practice. Computers and Education, 51 (1), 297-317.

Dunham, P. and Hennessy, S. (2008). "Equity and use of educational technology in mathematics."
In K. Heid and G. Blume (eds.), Research on Technology in the Learning and Teaching of Mathematics: Syntheses and Perspectives. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC.

Hennessy, S., Deaney, R., Dawes, M. and Bowker, A. (March 2008). Supporting professional development for ICT use in the secondary classroom using a multimedia resource: A Report to NCETM. Downloads available

Hennessy, S., Deaney, R. (Sept. 2007). Teacher mediation of subject learning with technology: A multimedia approach. Final Report to ESRC. Downloads available

Hennessy, S., Deaney, R., Ruthven, K. and Winterbottom, M. (2007). Pedagogical strategies for using the interactive whiteboard to foster learner participation in school science. Learning Media and Technology, 32 (3), 283-301.

Deaney, R. and Hennessy, S. (2007). Sustainability, Evolution and Dissemination of ICT-supported Classroom Practice. Research Papers in Education, 22 (1), 65-94.

Hennessy, S., Wishart, J., Whitelock, D., Deaney, R., Brawn, R., la Velle, L., McFarlane, A., Ruthven, K. and Winterbottom, M.
Pedagogical approaches for technology-integrated science teaching. Computers and Education, 2007, 48 (1), 137-152.

Hennessy, S.
Integrating technology into teaching and learning of school science: a situated perspective on pedagogical issues in research. Studies in Science Education, 42, 1-50.

Hennessy, S., Deaney, R. and Ruthven, K. (2006).
Situated expertise in integrating use of multimedia simulation into secondary science teaching.
International Journal of Science Education, 28 (7), 701-732.

Deaney, R., Ruthven, K. and Hennessy, S. (2006).
Teachers' developing 'practical theories' of the contribution of information and communication technologies to subject teaching and learning: an analysis of cases from English secondary schools.
British Educational Research Journal, 32 (3), 459-480.

Deaney, R., Hennessy, S. and Ruthven, K.
Teachers' strategies for making effective use of data logging in secondary science lessons.
School Science Review, 2006, 88 (323) 103-110.

Hennessy, S., Deaney, R. and Ruthven, K. (2005).
Emerging teacher strategies for mediating 'Technology-integrated Instructional Conversations': a socio-cultural perspective. Curriculum Journal, 16 (3), 265-292, doi: 10.1080/09585170500256487 (Available online at

Hennessy, S., Ruthven, K. and Brindley, S. (2005).
Teacher perspectives on integrating ICT into subject teaching: commitment, constraints, caution and change.
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37 (2), 155-192. doi: 10.1080/0022027032000276961

Ruthven, K., Hennessy, S. and Deaney, R. (2005).
Incorporating Internet resources into classroom practice: pedagogical perspectives and strategies of secondary-school subject teachers. Computers and Education, 44 (1), pp. 1-34. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2003.11.001

Ruthven, K., Hennessy, S. and Brindley, S. (2004).
Teacher representations of the successful use of computer-based tools and resources in teaching and learning secondary English, Mathematics and Science. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20 (3), 259-275.

Deaney, R., Ruthven, K. and Hennessy, S. (2003).
Pupil perspectives on the contribution of ICT to teaching and learning in the secondary school. Research Papers in Education. 18 (2), 141-165.

Ruthven, K. and Hennessy, S. (2002).
A practitioner model of the successful use of computer-based tools and resources to support mathematics teaching and learning: An exploratory study through departmental interviews in English secondary schools. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 49, 47-88.

Hennessy, S., Fung, P. and Scanlon, P. (2001).
The role of the graphic calculator in mediating graphing activity. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2001, 32 (2), 267-290.

Hennessy, S. (2000).
Graphing investigations using portable (palmtop) technology. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 16 (3), 243-258.

Murphy, P. and Hennessy, S. (2001).
Realising the potential - and lost opportunities - for peer collaboration in a DandT setting. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 11, 203-237.

Hennessy, S. and Murphy, P. (1999).
The potential for collaborative problem solving in Design and Technology. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 9 (1), 1-36.

Hennessy, S. (1999).
The potential of portable technologies for supporting graphing investigations. British Journal of Educational Technology, 30 (1), 57-60.  Download full version (67 pages)

Fung, P., O'Shea, T. and Hennessy, S. (1998).
Pocketbook Computing: a paradigm shift? Computers in the Schools, 14 (3/4), 109-118.

Hennessy, S. Twigger, D., Driver, R., O'Malley, C.E., Byard, M. Draper, S. Hartley, R., Mohamed, R., O'Shea, T. and Scanlon, E. (1995).                                                                                                  Design of a computer-augmented curriculum for mechanics. International Journal of Science Education, 17 (1), 75-92.

Hennessy, S., Twigger, D., Byard, M., Driver, R., Draper, S., Hartley, R., et al. (1995). A classroom intervention using a computer-augmented curriculum for mechanics. International Journal of Science Education, 17 (2), 189-206.

Hennessy, S. et al. (1995).
A classroom intervention using a computer-augmented curriculum for mechanics. International Journal of Science Education, 17 (2), 189-206.

Hennessy, S. and O'Shea, T. (1993).
Learner perceptions of realism and 'magic' in computer simulation. British Journal of Educational Technology, 24 (2), 125-138.

Hennessy, S. (1993).
The stability of children's mathematical behaviour: when is a bug really a bug? Learning and Instruction, 3, 315-338.

Hennessy, S. (1993).
Situated cognition and cognitive apprenticeship: implications for classroom learning. Studies in Science Education, 22, 1-41.

Hennessy, S., McCormick, R. and Murphy, P. (1993).
The myth of general problem-solving capability: design and technology as an example. Curriculum Journal, 4 (1), 74-89.