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The Leadership for Learning (LfL) Ghana programme aims to improve the leadership capacity of headteachers and, in turn, to improve the quality of students’ learning. The project involves extensive collaboration with Ghanaian partners and is based on the LfL framework including five principles that have been introduced to educators throughout the country. Since 2009, 124 headteachers have been transforming their schools in line with these principles. An additional 3000 headteachers have also been introduced to LfL practice.
Endorsement and support from the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) has helped to embed LfL as national policy. Indeed, LfL principles have been incorporated into the latest edition of the GES Headteacher Handbook making them essential guidance for every basic school in Ghana – over 18,000 in total.
The LfL Ghana programme is conducted in collaboration with the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Research and Development Team
University of Cambridge:
Sue Swaffield, Louis Major and John MacBeath. Formally Stephen Jull.
Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, University of Cape Coast:
Yaw Afari Ankomah, George Oduro and Alfred Ampah-Mensah
Centre for Commonwealth Education, Faculty of Education - University of Cambridge
Commonwealth Education Trust (CET)
Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) - University of Cape Coast
Ghana Educational Service (GES)
Ghana Ministry of Education
We have also been pleased to work with UNICEF, the Association of Basic School Headteachers and the Ghana National Association of Teachers.