ARCHIVE: This material is no longer maintained and should be viewed for reference only
The development of the Centre for Commonwealth Education provides initially for a two year programme of work with the primary purpose of building sustainable capacity in Commonwealth countries in the areas of School Leadership, Pedagogical Expertise, and Initial and Continuing Teacher Education.
1. Advanced Leadership for Learning Network
There are currently two projects on Leadership:
- Building Headteachers' Leadership Capacity for Enhancing Quality Teaching and Learning in Ghanaian Basic Schools
- Pedagogy and Leadership in a Tanzanian School: A Whole School Perspective
2. Initial and Continuing Teacher Education
This programme currently encompasses the following projects:
- ASKAIDS (African Sexual Knowledges and HIV/AIDS)
- Caribbean Poetry Project
- Gender and Education within Eastern Africa
- ICT in East African schools and teacher education
- Introducing digital Open Educational Resources into Zambian primary schools through school-based professional development (OER4Schools)
- Raising boys' achievement within an inclusive context in Antigua and Barbuda
- Outreach India: The Helga Todd Foundation Award
- ANTSIT (Appropriate New Technologies to Support Interactive Teaching in Zambian schools