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Centre for Commonwealth Education: Archive

ARCHIVE: This material is no longer maintained and should be viewed for reference only


The Centre for Commonwealth Education at the Faculty of Education is no longer active. The projects developed during the life of the Centre have now been archived and their respective webpages will no longer be maintained. Enquiries about the projects should be directed to the REAL Centre (

Centre for Commonwealth Education logo Faculty of Education University of Cambridge

The Centre for Commonwealth Education within the Faculty of Education received significant funding over the period 2007-2014 from the Commonwealth Education Trust. The Commonwealth Education Trust and the University established the Centre within the Faculty to make a vibrant contribution to primary and secondary education, and to initial and continuing teacher education, throughout the Commonwealth.

Click on the images below to see examples of projects undertaken over this time period.  

Askaids ANTSIT Caribbean Poetry Project Commonwealth Creativities in Intercultural Arts Network
Gender in the Caribbean Gender and Education in Eastern Africa Leadership for Learning in Ghanaian Basic Schools OER4schools
Pedagogy and Leadership UNISA CCE / Youth on the urban fringe (YOTUF) South African Poetry Project (ZAPP)

Link to Podcasts of CCE seminars available via the University of Cambridge Streaming Media Service.