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Kazakhstan Programme: Classroom Action Research

Classroom Action Research 

We have been working with the Autonomous Education Organisation Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools leaders and teachers since 2013 to develop collaborative action research and reflective practice with the aim to establish the culture and infrastructure required to underpin this approach to teacher learning and growth. While maintaining a focus on educational values, the Faculty team has progressively provided a basis for teacher engagement in the processes of curriculum review.

This work is developing the capacity of those leading action research at NIS schools (Teacher Research Coordinators) to take ownership and develop their own vision for the work and how to take it forward. In parallel, we continue supporting new NIS schools embracing collaborative action research for the first time. The Faculty of Education has facilitated two-week internships for NIS pedagogical staff at schools of the SUPER network since 2014.

The aim of these partnerships between Kazakhstan and UK schools is:

  • to share professional knowledge and practical expertise,
  • to learn leadership and improvement strategies,
  • to share ideas on how to build and sustain successful networks of schools,
  • to facilitate the collaborative development of excellent teaching and learning strategies,
  • to further develop an ethos of reflective practice, with emphasis on peer feedback.
  • to experience a research-informed and research-active school environment;
  • to conduct small-scale enquiry of interest to both schools and interns.

Action_research_session_FoEThe aim is to help senior school leaders attending internship in Cambridge to understand the part action research can play in developing practice and policy in schools; the processes of managing action research in their school and managing change; and to facilitate the development of an action plan to return to Kazakhstan with. 

Team Members

Key people involved in the development of this programme were: Professor Colleen McLaughlin, Dr Ros McLellan, Jan Schofield and members of the SUPER network.