Multilingualism and Language Education (MulTiE)
The Faculty has a long and very successful tradition of study in multilingualism and language education at doctoral level. The MuLtiE research group lecturers have longstanding experience of supervising full-time and part-time Phd students as well as EdD students on a range of related topics set in primary, secondary and higher education contexts, including quantitative and qualitative studies on classroom language learning, multilingual identity, instructed second language acquisition (ISLA), synchronous online and face-to-face learner engagement, language learner beliefs, motivation and strategy use, language teacher education, ethnographic studies of multilingualism, heritage language learning, second language learning in the context of migration, international studies of critical thinking in EFL learning, and school language policy. We recruit high quality international and UK applicants, who typically have a strong BA and Masters level profile in languages and language education often with relevant professional experience in the field.
The following SLE research group staff can formally supervise doctoral students: Dr Phung Dao,
Prof Linda Fisher,
Dr Karen Forbes
Prof Yongcan Liu
The MuLtiE doctoral students enjoy a lively and supportive programme of formal and informal activities within the Faculty, including collaborative involvement in the running of CRiCLE events and regular lunch-time workshops at which presentations of ongoing research are made and broad emergent issues on research, publication or conference matters are discussed.
Doctoral students in this research group also form part of the community of graduate students at Cambridge specialising in the language sciences. Students have the opportunity to attend sessions in other language science-related courses in the university and to attend conferences, workshops and other events organised by the Cambridge Language Sciences Interdisciplinary Research Centre.
The Faculty’s doctoral programme pages offer general information about the application procedure, funding opportunities, deadlines and other matters.