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Betty Nannyonga
Dr Betty Nannyonga of Makerere University, Uganda visited Cambridge for three months from mid-January to April having been awarded a CAPREX Fellowship. Dr Nannyonga was hosted by the Centre for Commonwealth Education and worked with Sara Hennessy and Alicia Fentiman who acted as mentors and supported her research on Shortening the shadow between gender and Mathematics.
Reciprocal Visiting Fellow Awards
During 2013 the Centre hosted a number of visitors as reciprocal visiting fellows. One of the successful outcomes of the award scheme was the Commonwealth Creativities in Intercultural Arts Network.
Commonwealth Creativities in Intercultural Arts Network
Hosted by Pam Burnard, the network initially invited three visiting fellows, Brydie Leigh-Bartleet (Griffith University), Liz MacKinlay (University of Queensland) and Samuel Curkpatrick (Australian National University). They were joined by Andrew Blackburn and Jean Penny of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris to form the core team for a series of fora and the launch of the network. See CIAN for further information.
Sharon Phillip
Sharon, Lecturer in the Teaching of English at the School of Education, UWI, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, spent two weeks in Cambridge during July, collaborating with Morag Styles and Georgie Horrell on the Caribbean Poetry Project and working on her PhD. Her research interests and professional presentations include Caribbean Poetry, Children’s Literature, Professional Development, and Critical Thinking. She taught at primary and secondary levels before moving on to tertiary education. Sharon has been a member of the CCE Caribbean Poetry Project team since 2010.
John Williamson
Professor and Acting Dean of Education at the University of Tasmania, John visited CCE for two weeks in July to further his current collaboration with colleagues in England investigating how teachers' pedagogical practices may be supported to allow more student-student interaction and student-centred learning. John was hosted by Professor Maurice Galton and was able to meet with several members of faculty and other visiting scholars during his time in Cambridge.
Asare Johnson
Vice Principal of Tamale College of Education in the north of Ghana, Asare Johnson visited Cambridge for four weeks in July on one of CCE's Commonwealth Fellowship awards. Asare is one of the Professional Development Leaders of the Leadership for Learning programme in Ghana. He successfully completed the University of Cambridge Certificate in Further Professional Studies associated with the programme in 2009, and since then has been an active member of the PDL team, promoting LfL in Ghana. Tamale is in the Northern Region of Ghana, a less privileged region in Ghana in terms of education, and one that is often not included in development programmes which tend to be focused on the coastal south. The scholarship and research collaboration arising from the Fellowship award will focus on Leadership for Learning. This will include consideration of LfL practice in schools in different contexts, and the implications of LfL for teacher education in Ghana, aiming to reach teacher trainees at Tamale College of Education and beyond. Whilst in Cambridge Asare worked on the analysis of data from the LfL Ghana programme focused on the PDLs, leading to a co-authored paper. He also contributed to the development of a research proposal to support LfL in Ghana through the establishment of a network of groups of headteachers linked via mobile phone text messaging. The work in Cambridge will be further developed during a reciprocal visit by Sue Swaffield to Tamale in November/December 2013. When in Ghana Sue will also continue the exploration of integrating LfL into teacher education programmes and the consideration of LfL practice in Ghanaian schools in the north of the country.
Rafat Nabi
Dr Rafat Nabi joins us as a Visiting Scholar for three separate months, February-March 2012 / October 2012 / December 2012, attached to the Centre for Commonwealth Education. She is hosted by Dr Alicia Fentiman, and will work collaboratively with Alicia and with Professor Alan Rogers (UEA), on a project on Community-based schooling for the education of children (especially girls) among the nomadic/pastoralist populations of the Kuchi of Afghanistan-Pakistan).
Dr Nabi has worked with the Aga Khan Foundation for many years on a variety of educational projects including girls' schooling (formal and non-formal) and adult literacy. Her doctoral studies were in education (University of Bristol 1992-5: teacher training in rural areas of Pakistan) and she recently completed an ethnographic research study of everyday literacies among non-literate adults in Pakistan (published as Hidden Literacies: ethnographic studies of literacy and numeracy in Pakistan, 2009). She has have been working in Afghanistan for the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan for the past three years.
Suseela Malakolunthu
Dr. Suseela Malakolunthu, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, was a visiting scholar at CCE in 2011, working with John MacBeath and Sue Swaffield on their project with the University of Cape Coast which aims to build leadership capacity in Ghanaian basic schools. Since returning to the University of Malaya, Suseela continues to collaborate with colleagues at the Centre and has become a fellow of CCE.
Pak Tee Ng (National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University) |
Susan Lovett (University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand) |
Professor Margaret Robertson (La Trobe University, Australia) |