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CCE Reports

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Hennessy, S. & Onguko, B. (Eds), (May 2010), Developing the Use of Information and Communication Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning in East African Schools: Review of the Literature. CCE Report No. 1. Cambridge and Dar es Salaam: Centre for Commonwealth Education, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development - Eastern Africa. Report

McLaughlin, C., Kiragu, S., Swartz, S., Megazi, B., Walli, S. & Mohamed, M., (2009), African Sexual Knowledges: How do primary children's everyday knowledges interact with HIV/AIDS education in the classroom? [ASKAIDS]: A three-country study. CCE Report No. 2. Report on Phase one - The rapid ethnography, Centre for Commonwealth Education, Research Report No. 2, Cambridge and Dar es Salaam: Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge and Aga Khan University Institute for Educational Development - Eastern Africa. Report

MacBeath, J. (Oct 2010), Living with the Colonial Legacy: The Ghana Story. CCE Report No. 3. Cambridge: Centre for Commonwealth Education. Report

Younger, M. (ed) (Dec 2010), CCE Conference on Millennium Goals Revisited: Transforming Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Commonwealth Contexts, Mauritius, 29 June-1 July 2010.  Cambridge: Centre for Commonwealth Education.  Report

Warrington, M., Fentiman, A. and Kiragu, S. (Jan 2011), Gender in East Africa, Gender Report 1. CCE Report No. 4. This Report focuses on the pilot phase of research undertaken on 'Girls against the odds' in Kenya and Uganda. It describes the background to the project, its aims the development to the end of 2010. Report

Fentiman, A., Kamuli, E. and Afoyocan, J. (June 2011), Gender in East Africa: Girls Against the Odds (The Uganda Pilot Study) Gender Report 2, CCE Report No. 5. Report

Hassler, B., Hennessy, S., Lord, T., Cross, A., Jackson, A. and Simpson, M. (2011), An investigation of appropriate new technologies to support interactive teaching in Zambian schools (ANTSIT): Final report to DfID. CCE Report No. 6. Report

Younger, M., George, P., Warrington, M., Cobbett, M. (2011), Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools in Antigua and Barbuda, an interim report.  CCE Report No. 7. Report

Fentiman, A., and Warrington, M. (2011), Gender in East Africa: Women role models in Uganda (Gender Report 3).  CCE Report No. 8. Report

Rarieya, J. and Fentiman, A. (2012), Gender in East Africa: Women role models in Kenya (Gender Report 4).  CCE Report No. 9. Report

Vohya, S., Kiragu, S. and Warrington, M. with Rarieya, J. and Githitho-Murithi, A. (2012), Gender in East Africa: Teaching Against the Odds (Gender Report 5). CCE Report 10. Report 

Vohya, S., Kiragu, S. and Warrington, M. with Rarieya, J. and Githitho-Murithi, A. (2012), Gender in East Africa: Differentiating between Gender and Poverty: findings from Boys Against the Odds. (Gender Report 6) CCE Report 11Report

Kamuli, E. with Younger, M. and Warrington, M. (2012), Gender in East Africa: What keeps girls in primary school in Uganda? An exploration of the factors that enable girls’ retention in Bududa and Nakapiripirit. (Gender Report 7) CCE Report 12Report

Kiragu, S. and Warrington, M. with Rarieya, J. and Githitho-Murithi, A. (2012), Gender in East Africa: The challenges of girls' retention: evidence from some Kenyan schools. (Gender Report 8) CCE Report 13. Report