ARCHIVE: This material is no longer maintained and should be viewed for reference only
Caribbean Poetry Conference
20-22 September 2012, CCE and Homerton College hosted an inspirational, highly successful and truly international conference on The Power of Caribbean Poetry - Word and Sound.
Education and the transformation of young women's lives: Commonwealth perspectives
28-29 October 2011, a conference was held at the Faculty, entitled Education and the Transformation of Young Women’s Lives: Commonwealth Perspectives. The 2-part conference was organised by the Council for Education in the Commonwealth (CEC), the Faculty of Education at Cambridge and the Social Transformations Programme Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat. It drew on the CEC theme for the year, Educating Women, Transforming Society.
Millennium Goals Revisited: Transforming Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Commonwealth Contexts
June 2010, the Centre for Commonwealth Education hosted a three day invitational conference in Mauritius (funded by the Commonwealth Education Trust), on the theme Millennium Goals Revisited: Transforming Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Commonwealth Contexts.