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CEDiR Collaborators and Associates

CEDiR is currently actively working with a number of colleagues on joint projects and other initiatives. See 'Current Collaborators' below.

The group also has over 40 high-profile 'Associate Members' spanning 15 countries. These are colleagues who we have or are developing some form of collaboration with; many of them have already visited us and/or been involved in joint symposia at conferences, and some have co-authored publications.

Current/Recent Collaborators

  • Prof. Gary Beauchamp, Cardiff School of Education & Social Policy, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
  • Dr Elisa Calcagni, Scientific Associate, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany
  • Prof. Carol Chan, Faculty of Education, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
  • Dr Victoria Cook, Education and Research Project Specialist, Chartered College of Teaching, UK
  • Prof. Adam Lefstein, Associate Professor, Dept. of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
  • Prof. Jill Jameson, Director of the Centre for Leadership & Enterprise, Faculty of Education & Health, University of Greenwich, UK
  • Dr Ruth Kershner
  • Dr Louis Major, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester, UK
  • Dr Anna Rainio, Senior Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Prof. Ingvill Rasmussen, Professor, Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Prof. Sylvia Rojas-Drummond, Faculty of Psychology, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
  • Dr Jan van Aalst, Associate Dean & Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
  • Dr Maria Vriikki, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Cyprus

CEDiR Associates (Europe & UK)

CEDiR Associates (Worldwide)

CEDiR Alumni (Doctoral graduates from CEDiR)

Dr Gabrielle Arenge (completed 2024), ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow: Sparking pedagogic change in Southern Africa: Generating middle range theory on how, why and under what conditions teachers start enacting pedagogic change

Dr Samantha Hulston (completed 2024), Research Associate, Centre for Literacy and Social Justice, The Open University: An exploration into young children's embodied engagement with storyworlds through curated storyworld play

Dr Ryan Irvan (completed 2024): Talking about learning online: Creating the context for kairos

Dr Kelvin Gomez (completed 2022), Senior Research Fellow, University of Leeds: The design, development and evaluation of an augmented reality intervention to support collaborative creative thinking at lower secondary school

Dr Lydia Cao (completed 2022), Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education: Using DBR and mixed reality simulation for professional development of contingent responsiveness in science teaching

Dr Chih-Ching "Jeremy" Chang (completed 2022), Assistant Professor, Institute of Education and Center for Teacher Education, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan: Dialogic education, historical thinking and epistemic beliefs: a design-based research study of teaching in Taiwanese classrooms

Dr Elisa de Padua Nájera (completed 2022), Director of Pedagogical Improvement - SUMMA: Teachers’ formative assessment of reading comprehension in Chile: challenges and opportunities

Dr Tristan Igglesden (completed 2022), Director of Studies, St John’s College School: Designs and affordances for dialogue in Google Classroom: a design-based research study

Dr Ying Ji (completed 2022), Co-Founder of Unibridge International Education Group: Teachers’ Engagement in Continuing Professional Development: Exploring Profiles and Factors

Dr Qian Liu (completed 2022), Research assistant, Department of Education, Practice and Society, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society: Developing dialogic mathematics teaching with tablet technology in Chinese primary school classrooms: A design-based research approach to teacher professional development

Dr Kevin Martin (completed 2022), Centre Manager, Digital Education Futures Initiative, Hughes Hall University of Cambridge: Using Mobile Phones to Enhance Small Group Dialogic Learning: A Design Based Approach to Educational Innovation in Rural East Africa

Dr Ana Luisa Rubio-Jimenez (completed 2022), Postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM): Exploring and developing the self-determination of Mexican young adults with intellectual disability following a dialogic approach

Dr Ana Laura Trigo Clapés (completed 2022), Postdoctoral position at UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Dialogic teaching for students with conditions within the autism spectrum

Dr Ngee Derk Tiong (completed 2021), Senior Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Studies, Sunway University: Doing dialogue differently: case studies of teacher collaborative discourse in Malaysian secondary schools

Dr Elisa Calcagni (completed 2020), Postdoctoral researcher, Chair for Research on Teaching and Learning, Institute of Educational Science, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena: Professional dialogues to foster dialogic pedagogy in mathematics: Design and test of a school-run teacher professional development programme in Chile

Dr Farah Ahmed (completed 2018), Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge: Pedagogy as Dialogue between Cultures: Exploring Halaqah: an Islamic dialogic pedagogy that acts as a vehicle for developing Muslim children’s shakhsiyah (personhood, autonomy, identity) in a pluralist society