CEDiR was launched in 2015 by a small group of founding members including Sara Hennessy, Rupert Higham, Christine Howe, Neil Mercer, Fiona Maine and Paul Warwick.
The group has since grown to over 70 Faculty (and wider University) staff and research students, representing a wide range of interests in dialogue.
It is led by Sara Hennessy. The CEDiR steering group also includes Farah Ahmed, Riikka Hofmann, Daniel Moulin-Stozek, Alison Twiner and Rupert Wegerif.
PhD students Ryan Irvan and Lulu Zhao support the group's communications and community activities. (Sakina Jafri, Samantha Hulston, Dongkeun Han, Qian Liu, Kevin Martin, Ana Laura Trigo-Clapes and Ana Rubio-Jimenez previously supported CEDiR in this capacity.)
Affiliated external members include our current collaborators and associates, and practitioners involved in dialogue-related research and practice.