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CEDiR: Cambridge Educational Dialogue Research

Four images of different groups of people in dialogue

Developing Dialogic Education Theory, Methodology and Practice

The Faculty of Education has a history of world-leading research on educational dialogue. CEDiR’s aim is to consolidate and extend this research, reaching across disciplines and contexts to develop the potential of educational dialogue at all education levels and to have an impact on theory, policy and practice.

CEDiR members represent a range of Faculty colleagues, drawn together through a common interest in dialogic education. The group seeks to promote collaboration and develop capacity at all levels, with a focus on supporting postgraduate students and early career staff. CEDiR is forging links with senior academics and practitioners in the field worldwide and already has a substantial number of high profile international collaborators and associates. Its main priority is on creating a supportive environment for creating and sharing high quality research that will shape the future of education.

Please take a look at our upcoming CEDiR events. For queries email

CEDiR Research Strands

CEDiR has five inter-connected Research Strands. These build on existing work undertaken by the Faculty of Education to consider important contemporary topics relating to dialogic education. Research undertaken includes every level of education from early years to HE, professional dialogues, and other dialogue outside of classrooms.

CEDiR Projects

Examples of current/recent projects undertaken by CEDiR colleagues include:

CEDiR Members

The group is led by Sara Hennessy. The CEDiR steering group also includes Rupert WegerifFarah Ahmed, Riikka Hofmann, Steve Watson and postdocs Alison Twiner and Ying Ji. PhD students Mher Davtyan and Yi Zhao support CEDiR's communications and community activities.

See the full list of members and our collaborators and associates.

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