Sabine Edwards is working closely with the Caribbean Poetry Project (CPP) and Southern African Poetry Project (ZAPP) teams as their part time Research Assistant focussing particularly on the collation of the Caribbean Poetry Anthology. Sabine also owns and runs a Conference and Events Management company as well as being a school governor for a local primary school and Director of Children's Events for WORDfest Crawley. Sabine was born and raised in Germany before moving to the UK where she completed an Honours Degree in German Language, History, Politics and Literature. |
Maurice Galton has directed many research projects, mostly in UK primary and lower secondary schools; one aspect of these studies being the careful documentation of classroom practice and the way it changes over time. In the 1970s he conducted a series of classroom studies (Observational and Classroom Learning Evaluation - ORACLE) followed up with a replication study two decades later. During the 1980s he acted as consultant for the Council of Europe on the Innovation in Primary Schools Project. More recently he has undertaken a number of evaluation studies including co-directing a £1 million study on Grouping and Group work for the Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) and has completed a study of the pedagogy of resident artists in schools for Creative Partnerships and the Arts Council of Great Britain. He has also carried out a review for the Nuffield Foundation on the effects of transfer and transition from primary school on pupil wellbeing. Professor Galton has considerable experience of Hong Kong schools, acting as consultant to the Hong Kong Department of Education, most recently in a study of the effects of reducing class size in primary schools (2004-2008). Within CCE he is collaborating on pedagogical initiative in East Africa. |
Patricia George’s research interests include: mathematics education, specifically making mathematics accessible to all students in a classroom; identity; equality, equity and the general area of the sociology of education; poverty and education; studies that provide cross-national comparisons. Her most recent work involved conducting a social risk assessment of the education system of Antigua and Barbuda as part of groundwork towards universal secondary education. Patricia taught Mathematics and Chemistry in secondary schools in Antigua for 13 years. Patricia currently works as a part-time Research Fellow within the CEE and is involved in the Raising Students’ Achievement Project being conducted in Antigua. The project, among other things, seeks to create communities of practice in which teachers communicate and collaborate on best practices in teaching which enhance students’ learning. |
Sara Hennessy is a Senior Lecturer in Teacher Development and Pedagogical Innovation in the Faculty. Her research focuses on subject teaching and learning using technology - particularly in mathematics and science - and she works collaboratively with teachers to understand and develop pedagogy. Her work within CCE investigates the role of ICT in improving the quality of learning and teaching in sub-Saharan African schools and teacher education. A project currently underway is introducing digital Open Educational Resources into Zambian primary schools through school-based professional development. Along with Bjoern Hassler and other partners she also participated in the DfID-funded ANTSIT (Appropriate New Technologies to Support Interactive Teaching in Zambian schools) project, investigating innovative approaches to using mobile technologies in primary schools in Zambia. Other recent interests include the potential of the interactive whiteboard to support classroom learning through dialogue. |
Georgie Horrell, is a Lecturer in English at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education and a Director of Studies at Homerton College. She has a particular research interest in ‘Postcolonial’ literatures. She has a wide range of teaching experience – both in high schools as well as at University level; in England as well as in South Africa. Georgie is currently working with the Centre for Commonwealth Education as a core member of the Caribbean Poetry Project team in Cambridge who are collaborating with the University of the West Indies. Georgie has been closely involved with the development of the Teaching Caribbean Poetry course which is being taught in Barbados, Cambridge, Jamaica and Trinidad and is collaborating with colleagues in related joint international research. Georgie is also working on establishing a South African Poetry project which will build on the success of the Caribbean Poetry Project.
Bryony Horsley-Heather is part of the CCE administrative office support team, working closely with the Caribbean Poetry Project (CPP) and Southern African Poetry Project (ZAPP) teams, and the Commonwealth Creativities in Intercultural Arts Network (CIAN) providing support to the advisory panels and working particularly on developing the individual project and CCE websites. Bryony joined the Faculty of Education in 2007 to work with Sara Hennessy on her ESRC Fellowship: Bridging Practice and Research into Teaching with Whole-class technologies and assisted in the organisation of the RITWIT International Conference held at Cambridge in 2009. She also supported the STeM academic group from 2007-2010, joining the team at the Commonwealth Centre for Education in October 2009. Bryony has a BA (Hons) Accountancy and is currently completing the final year of a History degree with the Open University. |
Ruth Kühn works in the CCE administrative office providing support across the range of research initiatives. Ruth was born and raised in South Africa, where she completed an Honours degree in Psychology and a certificate in HIV/AIDS counselling. She has varied experience working within the 'Education World' - working as an Assistant within an organisation specialising in school governance, as a Speech and Drama Teacher in South Africa and as a Learning Support Assistant for a special needs school in West London and currently combines her support role with undertaking a part-time M.Ed. in the Psychology of Education. |
Louis Major is a Research Assistant working in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge. Supporting the work of the Leadership for Learning (LfL) Ghana Programme, Louis is responsible for continuing data analysis, producing research materials and providing on-going programme assistance for the project.
Louis has recently completed his PhD in Computer Science. This involved the evaluation of an innovative educational technology that supports the learning of introductory computing concepts by novices.
Louis has previously worked as a Research Assistant for the Lifelong Learning Network (based at Staffordshire University) and as a Sessional Lecturer and Teaching Assistant (at Keele University).
Nidhi Singal, Senior lecturer in inclusive education at Cambridge Faculty of Education, has a background in clinical psychology, with experience of working with children and young adults in clinical and educational settings in India. She has worked as Research consultant on national level projects in India, was the International Team Leader for the Disability, Education and Poverty Project (DEPP) under the aegis of the Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP) and has worked as a consultant for a range of international organisations including UNESCO, Handicap International and World Vision, helping them develop research projects and policies to support the effective inclusion of children with disabilities in educational settings. She is currently co-leading the project Making educational research count for children with disabilities in Malawi, Kenya and Uganda, collaborating with colleagues at Birmingham University, the NGO Sightsavers and education committees in the target countries to address the exclusion of children with disabilities from quality education. |
Morag Styles is Professor of Children's Poetry and a Fellow of Homerton College. Dividing her time between research and teaching, Morag co-ordinates, examines, teaches and supervises two major courses at the Faculty of Education. Her research interests are within the field of the academic study of children's literature and she has many links with outside organisations such as the British Library, Arts Council, Book Trust, UKLA, IRSCL and IBBY. She has organised exhibitions at the Fitzwilliam Museum and British Museum, as well as numerous international conferences, notably POETRY and CHILDHOOD, a collaboration between the Faculty of Education and the British Library (2009), and The Power of Caribbean Poetry - Word and Sound (2012), the latter being the culmination of a three year 1st phase of the Caribbean Poetry Project, the focus of Morag's work with CCE involving a collaboration with the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and also linked with the online Poetry Archive established by Sir Andrew Motion. |
Sue Swaffield is a Senior Lecturer in the Leadership for Learning academic group at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education, and a founder member of Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network. Sue's teaching and research interests are within the fields of educational leadership and assessment, particularly leadership for learning, critical friendship for head teachers, and assessment for learning. Her work with the Faculty's Centre for Commonwealth Education currently focuses on Ghana where together with John MacBeath she is engaged in a collaborative development and research initiative to develop head teachers' leadership capacity. This nationwide Leadership for Learning programme involves working with colleague educators in Ghana in order to improve the quality of children's learning in basic schools. |
Molly Warrington has research interests in the field of social geography, the focus of her work coalescing around social inequalities, particularly in relation to gender. Molly has undertaken research into homelessness, the geographies of domestic violence, the gender gap in education, social exclusion and student aspirations, and contemporary geographies of masculinity and femininity among young people.
Currently Molly is working with colleagues in Kenya and Uganda to investigate why some girls stay in school to continue their education despite difficult and challenging circumstances. Another project tracks the biographies of women in those countries who have themselves succeeded against the odds. Molly is also working with the Antiguan government on a research and intervention project on boys at risk.
David Whitley is a Lecturer in English at the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education with a broad range of teaching experience. His current teaching focuses on medieval, eighteenth century and modern literature; he also has particular interests in film, media education and children's literature. David is currently working with the Centre for Commonwealth Education as a core member of the Caribbean Poetry Project team in Cambridge who are collaborating with University of West Indies, Jamaica and Trinidad. David has been closely involved with the development of the Teaching Caribbean Poetry course which is being taught in Barbados, Cambridge, Jamaica and Trinidad and is collaborating with colleagues in related joint international research. |