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REAL: Principles

School children at Betokomia Trois bush school, Central African Republic

REAL Centre Principles

In order to achieve the REAL Centre’s aims, each of the themes are underpinned by three key principles:

  • Adopting rigorous research methods, the research draws together the Faculty’s strengths in development conceptualising, measuring and analysing education inequalities, and in identifying the pathways through which excellence and equality in education transforms societies. Research approaches include impact evaluation, randomised control trials, and analysis of large-scale data sets (including longitudinal data) combined with community- and school-based qualitative approaches;
  • Working in partnership with organisations and individuals in priority countries, building on and further strengthening the links that the Faculty already has made. Such partnerships involve partners jointly defining, planning, implementing and analysing the research in ways that contribute to joint publications. Where appropriate, it will support the development of research capacity of in-country partners and local stakeholders;
  • Ensuring impact by linking evidence with policy, through the connections within the Faculty, and University and with policymakers nationally and globally. Where relevant, young people, families, teachers, educational leaders, teacher educators and other stakeholders, including those in poor communities, are encouraged to participate in the research process in ways that ultimately improve educational outcomes.

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